Posted: August 31st, 2022
Compare and Contrast Pragmatism vs. Idealism
Compare and Contrast Pragmatism vs. Idealism
For the longest time, pragmatism has been tied to idealism. There are arguments that view pragmatism as a form or subset of idealism. While there exists a relationship, there are also significant differences between them. The relationship or the differences depend on the perspective that you take.
By definition, idealism is the belief that we should develop and adapt to specific principles in our daily activities without considering their consequences. An idealist will stick to a particular set of principles, even if it means suffering. Idealism involves subscribing to a rigid set of rules and principles overlooking the challenges or the consequences involved.
Pragmatism, on the other hand, opposes idealism, for it is concerned with acting realistically and doing what would be considered practical. Pragmatics will always ignore idealism when they feel that it is hindering them from achieving their goals. They analyze the situation at hand at select that which they deem the best option. Pragmatism does not dwell on morality but rather on doing what is practical without focusing on how things are supposed to be.
Differences between Idealists and Pragmatics
Idealists are committed to a long-term vision and will, therefore, make decisions based on long-term goals. An idealist will set high goals and focus on achieving them. They will risk just about anything to achieve their goals because they believe the goal is achievable, and the decisions they make are right. Pragmatics, on the other hand, are more concerned with short-termed goals. They set goals and focus on achieving their goals by analyzing the situations at hand and making a decision based on what is practical at that particular time.
Idealists are rigid and are willing to fight for what they consider the right or ideal solution. All the decisions they make have to align with their moral standards. Pragmatics, in contrast, are more flexible and will make a decision based on the situation they face or what they consider the best option at that time.
The attitude of an idealist can be compared to that of an extremist in that they follow an “all-or-nothing” regime with a fixed way of doing things. A pragmatic has a more moderate attitude. They keep their options open and goes with the flow adjusting their decisions with changing situations.
To some people, idealism and pragmatism can be mutually exclusive, while to others, they are two polar extremes from which one must choose one over the other. However, neither of them is the perfect way of thinking. Both practicality and morality are paramount in our lives and company leadership. So, instead of conflicting, team members should concentrate on working together to come up with the best solution.