Posted: April 20th, 2022
JNeed computer science help with a java question about object-oriented design
Question description
Programming Assignment 3: Inheritance and ArrayListFor this assignment, we will work with the employee program. See the provided files.Class Employee will represent the superclass. This class is an example of re-use in your object-oriented design.Class StudentEmployee will be derived from the Employee class. It should have fields to hold the following information:Parameters Descriptions hoursWorked The number of hours worked in the current two-week pay period isWorkStudy True is the student is eligible for work study status; false otherwise payRate The student’s hourly pay rate Q1. Create the StudentEmployee as a child class of Employee(you need to override the constructor).Q2. Read the list of student employees from semployee.csv and store them into a ArrayList.Q3. Interact with your user through command-line run arguments.commands Actions show display every the student employee’s information (id, rate, etc.) add add a new student employee (user needs to provide the require informations)remove remove one or more student employees (user need to provide ids) sort-by-name sort the list of student employees by their namessort-by-rate sort the list of student employees by their hourly ratestudent-isWorkStudy show all the students that are eligible for work study statusshow-highest show the student employee with highest hourly rateshow-lowest show the student employee with lowest hourly ratechange-rate id/name xxx user input the student employee’s name or id, the program change its rate to xxxrate x y (bonus) show the student employees that with the hourly rate between x and y.