Posted: August 19th, 2022
Execution of a Process
Execution of a Process
The execution of a process usually takes place in a sequential fashion. Usually, when a program is deployed into a memory space, it can be divided into four sections that include; the stack which is the area where temporary data is stored, such as local variables, parameters, and return addresses, the heap which is the process’s dynamically allocated memory during its runtime, text is the current activity occurring within a process, and data are the variables that encapsulate a process. For a process, its life cycle usually starts when it is created; it is then determined as ready, once assigned a processor, it starts running and executes the assigned instructions. It then moves to a waiting stage where it waits for resources to execute. Thereafter, it is terminated by the operating system as it awaits removal from the main memory.
The theory of operation describes how devices or system are meant to work. This is what is usually included in the user manuals documentation, for instance, to be used while troubleshooting or maintaining a system. It highlights how the system is supposed to work. However, systems do not always respond as they should often times as a result of mistakes during coding or corruption from external sources such as SQL injections, session hijacking or cross-site scripting attacks. When this happens, program execution then needs to rely on the theory of operation in assisting in identifying the root cause of the problem. This is because the implications of not doing this could lead to wastage of a significant amount of resources, people losing business focus or loss of control over leadership (Volzke 2009, p.2).
Tutorialspoint. (n.d.). Operating System – Processes. Retrieved from,progress%20in%20a%20sequential%20fashion.&text=To%20put%20it%20in%20simple,tasks%20mentioned%20in%20the%20program
Völzke, V. (2009, October). Overcoming the Challenge of Real Processes Execution. Retrieved from