Posted: August 19th, 2022
Children and youth in foster care
Children and youth in foster care often have increased medical and behavioral needs, as a result of maltreatment experiences. As primary caregivers, foster parents serve a critical role in ensuring their medical and behavioral health needs are met, yet there is little research depicting foster parents’ experiences with such services. This study examined perspectives of 442 foster parents regarding their experiences with children’s behavioral and medical health services, through closed and open-ended survey questions, to provide further insight into how to best meet the needs of children in the foster care system. Findings suggest that foster parents are generally satisfied with medical services. They were particularly pleased when they perceived caseworkers were efficient with paperwork and provided comprehensive information at intake. They appreciated providers who were able to make appointments on short notice and were patient with children with a variety of needs. Foster parents were less satisfied with behavioral health services. They cited concerns about the timeliness of acquiring behavioral health services, lack of individualized services, and how turnover impacted consistency and progress of services. Consistently, foster parents provided examples of their role in advocating for the needs of the children in their care and described the need to be heard, consulted, and included in assessment and treatment. This study offers important implications for service providers and policy makers to review implementation of current practice and policies, and demonstrates the commitment foster parents have to ensuring the health and behavioral health needs of our most vulnerable children are met. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
HAYES, M.; GEIGER, J.; LIETZ, C. Navigating a Complicated System of Care: Foster Parent Satisfaction with Behavioral and Medical Health Services. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, [s. l.], v. 32, n. 6, p. 493–505, 2015. DOI 10.1007/s10560-015-0388-2. Disponível em:,shib&db=sih&AN=110526713&site=ehost-live&scope=site. Acesso em: 18 ago. 2022.
Instructions: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Use the article provided as your point of reference.
1) What is the title of the study? Who are the authors?
2) Why was the study conducted?
3) According to the study, what are the types of problems that children in foster care experience? (Academic, social, etc).
4) How was the study designed and what were the researchers trying to find out?
5) Who were the participants in the study?
6) What did the study indicate with regard to obtaining medical, dental and vision services for children in foster care?
7) What did the study indicate with regard to obtaining behavioral health services for children in foster care?
8) What issues were identified by the study with regard to the provision of behavioral health services to children in foster care?
9) What was the common theme throughout the comments of foster care parents?
10) Why is the behavioral health system difficult for foster care parents to navigate?