Posted: May 1st, 2022
Importance of EBP for BSN-RN Sustainability of evidence-based practice
Importance of EBP for BSN-RN Sustainability of evidence-based practice
March 18, 2022/in nursing coursework help /by Shem
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Anne Kolsky 3 posts Re: Topic 10 DQ 2 Importance of EBP for BSN-RN Sustainability of evidence-based practice has waned. One thing I have noticed in my workplace is that people (including myself) tend to take the path of least resistance. “It’s easier to…” My mentor and I have had many conversations about this. It’s easier to just give a ‘Band-Aid or bag of ice’ then take the time to assess the situation and treat appropriately. Another example, comparing my last workplace to current, one striking difference is stock medications. We did not give out or stock any kind of medication in the former. My new workplace not only stocks but does not require a doctor’s order to administer. Although it is more work, I insist on an order for stock medications. I also call the parent before giving, as appropriate. It is my license and it is for the safety of the students that are at stake. I have already had conversations with staff and nursing staff about these practices. Although they know the risks, they are choosing to keep status quo for themselves. Of 6 nurses on staff, there is one other that holds similar practice. She stated at our last meeting that “Kids come down asking for a Tylenol, just to get out of class.” She made it clear that without an order and parent permission, she will not give out any medications. Another difference noted is charting practices. Currently, other nurses use a one word drop down menu to chart. SOAP notes are not done consistently. I will continue to make notes. I will continue to chart more fully. It has saved my skin more than once when a student, a teacher, or even a parent will claim that “the nurse didn’t do anything.” It gives such good data for what is trending with that student, why wouldn’t one want to do that? I understand that the office is super busy, but so is the courtroom. I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to do my job. Another practice I will continue to implement, but with a new perspective, are the various screenings given to students. I will make a more concerted effort to make sure the student and family is aware of all the services available. In my former workplace, I compiled a list of resources for families. I need to make a new one for this community. I have a new perspective towards screenings and a fuller understanding of how important these are in the bigger picture. In the study by Meyer, et al., (2019) of 1,600 clinicians only 51 reported no obstacles to implementing new treatments. The biggest obstacles reported related to time, cost, location for training, demographic mismatch with resources and difficulty finding resources. New trainees are not given evidence-based training nor supervision experiences, either. Participants in the study requested greater access to existing resources. Handouts, journals, training modules, and workshops (Meyer, et al., 2019). Meyer, A. E., Reilly, E. E., Daniel, K. E., Hollon, S. D., Jensen-Doss, A., Mennin, D. S., … Teachman, B. A. (2019). Characterizing evidence-based practice and training resource barriers: A needs assessment. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. doi:10.1037/tep0000261.supp (Supplemental)
EBP is critical for BSN-RNs. Evidence-based practice’s long-term viability
Shem March 18, 2022/in Nursing Coursework Help
Kolsky, Anne 3 articles Regarding Topic 10 DQ 2 Importance of EBP for BSN-RN The long-term viability of evidence-based practice has dwindled. In my workplace, I’ve noticed that people (including myself) tend to take the path of least resistance. “It’s simpler to…” My mentor and I have had numerous discussions about this. It’s much easier to just apply a ‘Band-Aid or bag of ice’ than to assess the situation and treat appropriately. Another notable difference between my previous and current workplaces is the availability of stock medications. We did not distribute or keep any type of medication in the former. My latest acquisition