Posted: July 26th, 2022
Criteria EBP Final Paper (Draft CSP)
Criteria EBP Final Paper (Draft CSP)
Pass or Fail
All starred criteria must be satisfactory. Maximum satisfactory score: 23. Minimum satisfactory score for “pass”: 17. If a “fail” grade, the student must meet revise and resubmit within 48-hours.
Please upload a word document (not a pdf) of your final paper (draft CSP introduction and literature review) here. Your paper will automatically be routed to the plagiarism software: Turnitin. The similarity index must be 25% or less. Do NOT use direct quotes as this will significantly increase your similarity index. Revise and resubmit as needed but the final paper must be submitted by the due date.
Title Page*
Must be satisfactory.
In APA format.
Include a:
Running head,
Page number may or may not be included on first page,
Use graduate school format for the title page
Description of the Problem
Start with background information: set the stage for why this is a problem, then include the problem statement
Significance of the Problem
Describe why this is a problem.
Purpose of the Project*
Must be satisfactory.
States the purpose of the project.
EBP Framework or Model Identified*
Must be satisfactory. Identifies the EBP framework or model to be used.
EBP Framework : John Hopkins model (Need to describe HOW the model is guiding the project.)
Must be satisfactory. States the aim(s).
Outcome Measures*
Must be satisfactory. States primary and secondary outcome measures (if any secondary outcome measures)
Study Question(s)*
Must be satisfactory. States the study question (in PICOT format).
Search Engines*
Must be satisfactory. States the search engines used.
Key Search Terms*
Must be satisfactory. States the initial key search terms and phrases used (including Boolean operators).
Number of Initial Publications
States the number of publications initially retrieved.
Inclusion Criteria*
Must be satisfactory. States the inclusion criteria to refine the search (not inclusion criteria for the study).
Exclusion Criteria*
Must be satisfactory. Need to cite the exclusion criteria for the refined search (not for exclusion criteria for the study).
Number of Publications After Refined Search
States number of publications retrieved after a refined search.
Other Search Methods (if indicated)
States other search methods if used (e.g., ancestory approach).
Final Number of Publications Selected for Review*
Must be satisfactory. States final number of publications selected for the literature review.
Key Concepts, Themes, Similarities, Differences, Strengths, and Weaknesses*
Must be satisfactory. States key concepts, themes, similarities, differences, strengths and weaknesses. Not an annotated bibliography.
EBP Framework or Model Explained
Explained how the EBP framework guides the project.
John Hopkins model (Need to describe HOW the model is guiding the project.)
Summary of the Review
Highlighted what is known about the problem, identified any gaps in the literature, and reiterated the EBP framework used to guide the project.
Must be satisfactory. Minimum of 10 references. In APA format.
General Paper Formatting
No more than three errors for a satisfactory score
In-Text Citation
No more than three errors for a satisfactory score
Reference List Citation
No more than three errors for a satisfactory score
Pass or Fail
All starred criteria must be satisfactory. Maximum satisfactory score: 23. Minimum satisfactory score for “pass”: 17. If a “fail” grade, the student must meet revise and resubmit within 48-hours.
CSP Project Topic
Breaking cultural stigma associated with depression among immigrant population living in urban Midwestern community.
Problem or Issue
Cultural stigma and discrimination are major issues for mental health patients and families.
Purpose of the Project
To evaluate the impact of cultural stigma associated with depression and mental health among African immigrant population and ascertain the existing strategies to address the stigma to improve mental health awareness and care among African immigrant population living in St Louis.
Overall AIM
To Implement training program and education for African immigrant population, age 20 -65 years, by 60 % over 6 months
Outcome Measures
primary outcome measure: The number of immigrants identified with depression.
Secondary outcomes: Number of immigrants with depression who attend the educational program and number who were treated or referred for services
Study Question(s) (3 points)
• PICO(T) format
Within African immigrants aged 20-65 years living in an urban, midwestern community, what is the impact of standardized screening and education for depression on their ability to obtain treatment or resources to minimize the depression?
Final Paper (Draft Clinical Scholarship Project [CSP] Introduction and Literature Review)
See APA, 7th Ed. (2020) manual for each section required in the paper (sections are bolded and underlined).
Paper formatting should be as recommended in the APA manual (except for the title page).
Source citation should be in APA format and studies published within the last five-years is recommended (older studies are acceptable if they are a classic reference, meaning the publication is the first or the foundation for other publications on the same topic).
Title Page
See Graduate School recommendation for how to set the title page for doctoral work
(Appendix A).
No abstract needed at this time.
Introduction (2-3 pages)
[See APA (2020) p. 39 in the “format” section for how to start the introduction page.
Do NOT start this section with “Introduction” as the heading.]
• Description of the problem
o Start with background information: set the stage for why this is a problem, then include the problem statement
• Describe the significance of the problem
• Last paragraph of this section should include:
o Purpose of the project
o EBP framework or model to be used to guide the study
o Aim(s) of the project
o Outcome measures of interest (primary and secondary)
o Objectives or study question(s)
Literature Review (Should be a subheading, centered, 5-6 pages)
Note: Identify themes from the publications in an effort to organize the publications into a logical format. Do not use
subheadings for the themes, rather, introduce the new theme in the first sentence of the first paragraph when you are
switching themes. Also, be careful not to provide an annotated bibliography (i.e., each paragraph describes only one
study). Rather, comparing and contrasting publications on the same theme contributes to a thoughtful review of the
literature. A minimum of 10 publications should be in this review draft.
• Describe the literature review process (introductory paragraph for this section)
o Search engines used (at least three engines)
o Key search terms and phrases (including Boolean operators)
o Number of initial publications generated
o Refined search with inclusion and exclusion criteria
o Number of publications generated after refined search
o Any other search methods (such as an ancestry method) and number of publications generated
o Final number of publications selected for this literature review
• Provide an in-depth analysis of the current literature and evidence-based practices related to the problem
o Key concepts, themes, similarities, differences, strengths, and weaknesses should be part of the literature
• Explain the EBP framework or model selected to guide this project and why this was selected (second to last
paragraph of this section)
• Summarize and synthesize the review of literature (last paragraph)
o highlight what is known about the problem, identify any gaps in the literature, and reiterate the EBP
framework to be used to guide the project
Appendix A
Dissertation Sample Title Page
Info in YELLOW is required, info in BLUE is optional, text in RED should be deleted from final doc.
Title of Dissertation
[Each significant word should be capitalized, titles in ALL CAPS will not be accepted]
Johnny A. Appleseed
M.Ed., Educational Administration, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2003
B.S. Human Development and Family Studies, University of Missouri- Columbia, 1992
A Dissertation Submitted to The Graduate School at the University of Missouri-St. Louis
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Doctor of Philosophy in Education with an emphasis in Counseling
Month and Year of graduation
Advisory Committee
Committee Chairperson, Ph.D.
Committee Faculty Member 2, Ph.D.
Committee Faculty Member 3, Ph.D.
Committee Faculty Member 4, Ph.D.
Copyright, Johnny A. Appleseed, 2004