Posted: June 23rd, 2022
Restorative Justice 500-750 words
In 500-750 words, evaluate the merits of restorative justice programs by doing the following:
Locate a restorative justice program that is currently in use by a justice agency.
1. Use research sources to explain how effective this type of program is.
2. Explain if you feel the benefits outweigh the costs, and why.
Use the Library to locate three to five relevant, scholarly sources only in support of your content, no older than 5 years.
An abstract is not required.
Use this textbook as a source please.
Siegel, L. J. (2018). Criminology: Theories, patterns, and typologies (13th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. ISBN-13:
Restorative Justice
Restorative Justice
The restorative justice program of the United Nations was founded with an aim to reform criminal justice. During reconstruction after conflict, restorative justice is often mentioned in the UN as the way forward (Wykenseagrave, 2017). The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) was established in 2000 with an aim to seek the views of the member states and the associate non-governmental and intergovernmental, and the United Nations Crime Prevention and Crime Justice Program network institution, with the means and desire to establish common principles on the usefulness of the restorative programs on matters of delinquent crimes. This program is effective because it encourages the members (states that are members of the UN) to look into the programs of restorative justice, their basic principles and the use of this program in the operation and development of the restorative justice program among juviniles.
The ECOSOC is also effective because it is a flexible and useful alternative to the formal government criminal proceedings. Because of this, the restorative justice program can alleviate the burden that falls on the system of criminal justice (Wykenseagrave, 2017). The program also reduces recidivism rate. For instance, most offenders and especially those in juvenile do not comprehend fully the impacts of their wrong doing on the community, and their victims, and the importance of obeying the laws. ECOSOC gives them an opportunity to be responsible members of the society by allowing them to experience the impact of their harm first-hand which makes them feel more accountable and reintegrates them with the community. This way, the wrong doers get reparation of harm. The restorative justice program also gives the community affected by crime and the victims of crime an opportunity to be at the center of the restorative process and its outcome (Wykenseagrave, 2017). In so doing, they get satisfaction and a perception of fairness. The program is effective because it gives the delinquents a chance to provide restitutions to their victims and the affected community. Such as community service, or any other services to the crime victims.
The benefits of restorative justice programs outweigh their cost. The most important aspect of the program is that it involves the victims of crime through its process. They get to have a perception of fairness, they get more satisfaction, and their attitude towards the criminals offenders improve. This means that they do not spend the rest of their lives resenting and hating the criminal offender (Wilson. D, et al, 2017). The criminal offenders also get to do community services such as sweeping the streets or emptying garbage. This is beneficial to the environment because it is kept clean, and the funds allocated to doing these activities are channeled to other uses. The juviniles also get to have some emotional closure and well-being.
After interacting with their victims and seeing their improved attitudes towards them, the delinquents are relieved emotionally (Wilson. D, et al, 2017). If for instance an offender was feeling guilty to a point of hating themselves, their emotions and spirits are lifted after interacting with their victims. The restorative justice program reduces criminal behavior among those that have gone through the program. After experiencing the impact of their wrong doing, they rectify their behavior and change for the better (Siegel. J, 2018). The program thus reduces crime and provides restoration to the victims because it gives them more willingness to forgive their offenders.
Siegel. J, (2018). Criminology: Theories, patterns, and typologies. 13th edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wasworth. ISBN-13: 9781337091848
Wilson. D, Olaghere. A, & Kimbrell. C, (2017). Effectiveness of Restorative Justice Principles in Juvenile Justice: A MetaAnalysis. U.S Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Grant No. 2015-JF-FX-0063.
Wykenseagrave, (2017). United Nations and Restorative Justice. Conventory restorative justice forum. Retrieved from: