Posted: June 22nd, 2022
Assignment 15: Private insurance
Assignment 15: Private insurance
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Tell me what captured your interest.
Lauren Underwood: What was her contribution to the implementation of the ACA? How did she reformed the private insurance? What was her vision and proposal?
review this interesting video about Eddie Bernice Johnson. What is one thing that captured your interest and why?
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, our country has faced many crises. The U.S. has accommodated critical situations by creating the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (CARES) passed by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Trump (Weger, 2020). The purpose of the $ 1.2 trillion budget was to help the economy and tax breaks. It also assists health workers to respond to the pandemic (Weger, 2020). All health care systems face difficulty in many areas, but moreover, there are significant shortages in personal protective equipment (PPE).
The American Nurse Association (ANA) has made a tremendous effort in pushing Congress for the PPE shortages and the $ 1.5 billion budget for the State’s equipment and other needs (Weger, 2020). The Coronavirus Aid Relief and the U.S. Congress passed economic Security (CARES), and $1.6 billion went into the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) for emergency medical supplies, including PPE and medical machines (Weger, 2020). ANA will continue to engage with Congressional leaders and address regarding the safety of frontline health care providers who are contracted with COVID-19, assist back to work schedules, and have adequate PPE in the United States (Weger, 2020).
Weger, A. (2020, March 27). Congress Passes and the President Signs into Law Third COVID-19 Package. Retrieved from
What additional steps need to be taken by nurses to continue advocacy for this issue?
Please review the video below. It is a very short story on Shirley Nathan-Pulliam. Can any of you relate to her story?
6) If you were appointed as a legislator, what would be something you would to change in health care? Please support your answer with a source.
Please support each answer with at least one reliable source.