Posted: May 1st, 2022
This week, we will start composing our research papers for this course.
This week, we will start composing our research papers for this course. This is the bulk of your final exam; however, you will not receive credit without the proctored exam portion.
The paper is worth 100 points, and the proctored portion is worth 5 points.
The guidelines for the paper are as follows:
Identify one module that is in the book we studied this semester.
Identify the literary work during the module you just identified.
Use CCC’s library databases to locate at least two outside sources about the unit and literary work you have identified. (GOOGLE, WIKIPEDIA, OR OTHER SOURCES OUTSIDE OF USING CCC’S LIBRARY DATABASES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE).
Write a minimum of five-paragraph research essay in MLA format about the unit and the work you have identified. (It is to be five pages total, including the works cited page.) Your focus may be on one of the following:
The focus of writers during that time period and how that particular literary work fits into that time period.
The writer/poet’s style of writing including his/her use of literary devices, sonnet, etc…
Character analysis
Common Themes in a poet’s works and how it relates to that time period.
The final product must include the following: five paragraphs with a clear beginning, middle, and end. In-text citations in MLA format, and a Works Cited page that includes at least three entries (the two library sources and your textbook). will also be beneficial to you during this assignment.
Module 2
These are the literary poem from 1820-1865
Nathaniel Hawthorne “ The Ministers Black Veil
Edgar Allan Poe “ The Fall of the House of Usher”
Edgar Allan Poe “ Liegia “
You can use outside source with this assignment
We’ll begin writing our research papers for this course this week. This is the majority of your final exam; however, without the proctored exam portion, you will not receive credit.
The proctored portion is worth 5 points, and the paper is worth 100 points.
The following are the guidelines for the paper:
Choose one module from the textbook we studied this semester.
During the module you just identified, identify the literary work.
Use CCC’s library databases to locate at least two outside sources about the unit and literary work you have identified. (GOOGLE, WIKIPEDIA, OR OTHER SOURCES OUTSIDE OF USING CCC’S LIBRARY DATABASES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE).
Write a minimum of five-paragraph research essay in MLA format about the unit and the work