Posted: January 28th, 2022
Pathophysiology and Associated Alterations
Alterations in Pathophysiology and their Relationship to Name Academic Institution
The Pathophysiology of the Condition and the Alterations Associated With It
Jennifer appears to be in severe discomfort as a result of the functional alterations that have happened. The change in her body temperature indicates that there are anomalies taking place in her body at this time, according to her (Keskin & Guvenmez, 2019). There have been intermittent outbreaks of fever, which have reached a high of 102.8°F, when it is thought that she should be around 98.8°F. Temperature increases in youngsters are caused by an infection induced by a virus. In addition, the child’s skin is dry and heated, indicating that underlying medical issues are present (Keskin & Guvenmez, 2019). The skin feels hot as a result of the elevated temperature, which is over the normal range, indicating a considerable amount of fever in the body. It is dry, indicating that it has not been hydrated as much as it should have been. One of the reasons of dehydration is the loss of fluid or water caused by a fever. When the skin has lost too much moisture, it has a tendency to become dry.
The tympanic membrane is reddish, indicating that there has been a recent trauma or that there is blood in the membrane. The typical color of the tympanic membrane is grey, and the change in color indicates the presence of an infection in the ear. The presence of erythema in the throat indicates that there is an enhanced flow of blood through the superficial capillaries (Keskin & Guvenmez, 2019). Furthermore, the presence of diffuse exudate on the tonsils indicates the existence of a bacterial or a viral infection. Tonsils swell and have a gray or white coating when they are impacted by this condition. When the anterior cervical nodes are not perceptible in youngsters, it is only if there is an infection that the nodes should be removed (Keskin & Guvenmez, 2019). Adults are the only ones who can feel the anterior cervical nodes. Sore throats are commonly associated with viral infections such as the common cold or flu. The different changes that have occurred in her body are indicative of the functional changes that have occurred in various organs. The reactions indicate that a viral or bacterial infection may be taking hold in the body. The disease has resulted in the inability to consume meals and sit comfortably, demonstrating the severity of the infection.
Hands that are swollen and irritated
Jack has come into contact with cleaning fluids that contain abrasive solvents and chemicals, which he has found to be hazardous. In this case, exposure to the chemicals has resulted in redness and irritation of the hands, which is unusual given his lack of substantial medical history. Whenever the skin is exposed to chemicals, it causes an allergic reaction, which includes inflammation (Bains & Fonacier, 2019). The skin’s reaction is evidence that foreign chemicals have been introduced to the skin without the skin having been previously sensitized to them. Exposure to substances that interfere with the skin’s normal function results in redness and flakiness of the skin, which is a symptom. The presence of flaky skin indicates that the epidermis’s outer layer has been damaged. After the cells have been destroyed, the injured skin begins to peel and flake off (Bains & Fonacier, 2019). Aside from these functional changes, the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines to counteract the effects of the chemicals on epidermal cells is another feature of the skin’s environment. Disruption of the skin’s natural barrier is also a substantial impact on the skin.
The cleaning fluids are the primary cause of the irritation and redness on the hands. The redness on the skin’s surface is caused by increased blood flow on the skin’s surface. It is believed that the increased blood flow is an attempt to remove the damage caused to the epidermal cells by the toxins (Bains & Fonacier, 2019). Additionally, Jack denies any discomfort, which implies that he is in fact experiencing discomfort. The discomfort indicates the intensity of the skin inflammation. It also demonstrates that the skin is reacting to the changes that are taking place, such as the destruction to epidermal cells.
Martha, who is 65 years old, has decided to retire from her position as an administrative assistant. She does, however, suffer from hypertension, which has resulted in major alterations in her physical appearance. Chronic high blood pressure, which Martha has characterized as racing heartbeat, is caused by hypertension. An important factor contributing to high blood pressure is advanced age (Wing & Gabb, 2018). She is experiencing difficulty sleeping, which is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat. The inability to sleep is a symptom indicating that there are major internal changes taking place in the person’s body (Wing & Gabb, 2018). It was determined that the patient was using hydrochlorothiazide, which is a diuretic that is used to treat high blood pressure. Sleep deprivation is one of the negative effects of the medication (Wing & Gabb, 2018). It is believed that the negative effects are caused by increased urine at night. Hunger is a significant side effect of the medication that should not be ignored. When the body responds in this way, it becomes incapable of obtaining adequate restorative sleep. Furthermore, if the patient’s age continues to increase, she will require less sleep. She has also retired from her previous career, which would have left her exhausted and ready to take a nap in the late hours. For the time being, she is staying at home to care for her ailing mother. As a result, she is experiencing her current condition as a result of a number of things working together.
Mind Maps are visual representations of ideas.
The following mind map provides a comprehensive demonstration of the clinical presentation, pathophysiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, risk factors, and treatment options in a straightforward and understandable manner. The situation chosen is that of a 65-year-old woman suffering from hypertension. Figure 1.1 shows a mind map of the information.
Bains, S. N., & Fonacier, L. (2019). Irritant contact dermatitis. Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology, 56(1), 99-109.
Keskin, H., & Guvenmez, O. (2019). A new treatment modality to reduce acute tonsillitis healing time. Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology, 26(2), 14-19.
Wing, L. M., & Gabb, G. M. (2018). Treatment of hypertension in older people. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 48(1), 92-101.