Posted: April 9th, 2022
Title of Paper (include both theorist names)
Title of Paper (include both theorist names)
(Introduction paragraph(s))
Remember you are starting with an attention getting topic sentence, then providing a little foundation information, then preview the content for the reader / provide guidance to the reader what they will read
X Theory Overview
Summary of Theory, brief discussion of theorist (not a biography), evolution of the theory itself
Theory Details
-conceptual level (mid range, model etc) – brief identification of what that means
– Describe in detail the content and concepts of the theory – also how it is applied
-Define metaparadigms (don’t copy verbatim from text)
– Identify the metaparadigms as they relate to your theory )person, environment, health and nursing (describe if these are defined or implied)
Analysis of Theory
-What areas is the topic concerned with ? etc caring, adjustment … etc
– Does the theory generate areas for future research?
-Evaluate if the theory is clear, simple and generalizable?
-Does it contribute to nursing knowledge?
-Is the theory still current and relevant?
-Is it significant and will it make a difference in what areas of nursing?
Y NonNursing Theory Overview
Summary of Theory, brief discussion of theorist (not a biography), evolution of the theory itself
Theory Details
-conceptual level (mid range, model etc) – brief identification of what that means
– Describe in detail the content and concepts of the theory – also how it is applied
Analysis of Theory
-What areas is the topic concerned with ? etc caring, adjustment … etc
– Does the theory generate areas for future research?
-Evaluate if the theory is clear, simple and generalizable?
-Does it contribute to nursing knowledge?
-Is the theory still current and relevant?
-Is it significant and will it make a difference in what areas of nursing?
Comparison of Theories
Compare and contrast the similarities and difference of each theory
Application of Theory
-Create a scenario and demonstrate the application of each theory to the SAME scenario
Wrap up the content for the reader (similar to the introduction in reverse)
Title of Paper (including the names of both theorists) (Introduction paragraph(s))
Remember to start with an attention-grabbing topic line, then provide some foundation information, then preview the content for the reader / guide the reader through what they will read.
X Theory Overview
Summary of Theory, brief discussion of theorist (not a biography), evolution of the theory itself
Theory Details
-conceptual level (mid range, model etc) – brief identification of what that means
– Describe in detail the content and concepts of the theory – also how it is applied
-Define metaparadigms (don’t copy verbatim from text)
– Identify the metaparadigms as they relate to your theory )person, environment, health and nursing (describe if these are defined or implied)
Analysis of Theory
-What areas is the topic