Posted: March 3rd, 2022
Please write a 1-page paper after analyzing Community Health Systems (CHS)
Please write a 1-page paper after analyzing Community Health Systems (CHS), 10-K to include the following:
1st Paragraph: Provide an overview of what you learned about CHS from their 10-K. What services do they provide? Describe any important activity they endured during the calendar year, and summarize their financial health.
2nd – 3rd Paragraphs: After reviewing their Income Statement on page 83, perform any relevant ratio, vertical, and horizontal analysis and describe your findings.
4th Paragraph: Suggest 1-2 key strategies you might use in order to improve the financial performance of CHS.
There is 1 file you will need to complete this assignment: (you can click the link below or find them in the Files section of Webcourses)
1. CHS 2020 10-K Annual Report Download CHS 2020 10-K Annual Report
Your paper should be formatted to abide by the following guideline:
• 12 point, Arial Narrow Font
• Paragraph Spacing
o 0 pt Before
o 6 pt After
o 1.5 Line Spacing
• 1 Inch Margins (Normal)
• No sources are required
• Do not include a title or your name & class info within the paper
• 1-page min & max (fill up the entire page, do not go over 1 page)
• Professional Writing Style (write like you are preparing a report to the CEO)
• No Grammatical Errors
• Do not add a blank line between paragraphs
The rubric is as follows: 30 for 1 full page length, 30 for formatting & grammar, 10 points per paragraph (5 for including the correct content, 5 for accuracy)