Posted: February 28th, 2022
What Anthropological concepts does the reading illustrate?
WEEKLY WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: Ideas to help you write your papers:
I. Internal Logic of the Article
1. What is the main idea of the article or chapter?
a. Identify the main idea.
b. In a few sentences describe this idea so that I know that you understand it.
2. What does the author use as evidence for their argument?
a. What kinds of data do they use? ( interviews, participant observation, other articles, historical documents, etc.)
b. Does the data support the main idea?
c. What data is missing?
d. What other kinds of data might clarify the idea in a better manner?
II. External Critique of the Article
1. What Anthropological concepts does the reading illustrate? (for example—cultural differences in ideas about where illness come from and how to cure them, traditional vs. biomedical care, stigmatized conditions, structural violence/vulnerability, etc.)
a. Be sure to include anthropological concepts from the class and from other anthropology classes that you’ve had.
b. First define the concept briefly, then show how it applies to the article.
2. Is the main idea important in the world?
a. Why is it important?
b. Can you see an applied purpose for the research described in this article?
III. Critique the article using ideas from other sources that we have read in class.
1. This is very important. In this section use readings from past weeks to discuss what the current reading lacks in scope, cultural relevancy, methodology, theoretical application and/or understanding of the larger political context. Propose how to conduct further research that would “take the article up a notch.”
2. Include 2 questions at the end of your paper that you can use to contribute to the class discussion.
Paper Requirements
1. Papers should be 2 pages long. Please single-space paragraphs and double-space between paragraphs. 12 font 1 inch margins. (6 points this includes the paper’s content)
2. Papers must include a Bibliography. Often, this is just the name of the book we are reading, put into proper bibliography format at the end of your paper and labeled “Bibliography” 1 point.
3. Papers will be submitted on the class website. There will be a link for each assignment posted.
4. Questions will be posted on the class website to guide you in writing your papers.
5. At the end of your paper please write out 2 questions for discussion. These should be thought provoking questions based on your reading. (2 points) Please use these questions when you post in the discussion forum.
6. Papers must be labeled correctly. This is the format: ANTH 2239 YOUR LAST NAME PAPER #.doc
Example ANTH_2239_SMITH_PAPER 1.doc (1 point)