Posted: November 28th, 2022
Directions: Write a formal 1-2 page in APA format that addresses the following:
1. Select an issue that affects today’s health care system. This can be at a community, state, or national level. Please write a paragraph about the issue and its impact on you as a nurse and/or the nursing profession.
2. Choose at least 4 sources that view the issue from each of the opposing sides (minimum of 4 sources total).
3. Write a 1-2 paragraph(s) that compare and contrast the pros and cons of policy change regarding your identified health care issue. Use the references from step #2 to support your statements.
4. Write a paragraph explaining which side you choose to support and how you believe that will impact health care at a local or national level.
5. List the steps you would take to advocate for policy change. This must include a person and/or group at the community, state or federal level that could assist in advocacy. This should serve as a roadmap to help your cause.
Directions: In APA format, write a formal 1-2 page paper that tackles the following:
1. Pick a topic that has an impact on today’s health-care system. This can happen on a local, state, or national scale. Please write a paragraph on the problem and how it affects you as a nurse and/or the profession of nursing.
2. Select at least four sources that represent each of the competing viewpoints on the problem (minimum of 4 sources total).
3. Compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of policy change in relation to your identified health-care issue in a paragraph or two. To back up your claims, use the references from step 2.
4. Write a paragraph describing which side you support and how you think it will affect health care.