Posted: November 28th, 2022
Homework Assignment: Data, Statistics, and Marketing Claims
For this assignment, you will be comparing the claims made by Beachbody™ regarding their protein shake (Shakeology). You will then make some decisions regarding validity of these claims.
As you work through the assignment, there are a number of question sets to answer. Please answer them in a separate document (word doc or similar). Label them appropriately (question set 1, 2, etc) and address each component of the question set in your answer. Use full sentences/paragraph form when answering the questions.
To start, view the following video in which Beachbody™ describes the findings of the clinical study:
Question Set 1 (Beachbody Claims): What claims are being made? What data are being provided? Describe any numbers and percents given in the video.
Next, carefully read through the original study linked here . You may want to take some notes as you go to help you keep track of the findings.
Question Set 2 (Methods): What type of study was performed (RCT, Cohort, Case-control, etc)? What was the sample size? Briefly and clearly describe the experimental design. What types of data were collected? How was each variable measured (e.g. how did they measure “hunger levels”, etc?) What statistical analyses were performed on these data?
Question Set 3 (Results): For each variable measured, describe the outcome. For which variables measured were there significant differences between the placebo and treatment? For which variables were there NOT significant differences? For each variable that was significantly different between the placebo and treatment, what was the absolute difference? What was the relative difference?
Question Set 4 (Biological Relevance): For each variable that was signficantly different between placebo and treatment, do you think these differences were biologically relevant? Why or why not? Do some background research to support your claim.
Question Set 5 (Comparing article to video): Compare the findings of the study to the wording/claims in the video. How do they match up? For each claim made in the video, match it to a statement (or set of statements) in the article that support the claim. If there are any claims that are unsupported, match the claim to a statement (or set of statements) in the article that refute the claim. NOTE: Some unsupported claims may not be addressed in the paper at all. If that’s the case, make a note of it. Which findings from the study were omitted in the marketing video?
Question Set 6 (Accolades and Improvements): What components of the study do you think were done well? Why? What improvements or adjustments would you make to the study design in order to strengthen it? Why? Lastly, based on the findings of these studies, what are your personal impressions of the product? Are you inclined to try it? Why or why not?
Grading Rubric: 15 points total
Critical Thinking
5 points 3 points 2 points 0 points
All responses are thoughtful, detailed, & comprehensive. Responses build connections between multiple ideas presented in text and/or class. Responses contain some details and extend beyond the basic answer. Responses contain some connections. Responses tend to be rather simple. Connections may be present but not very well supported. Responses are simple and vague; connections are absent.
5 points 3 points 2 points 0 points
Assignment is fully completed with all required components addressed. Assignment is mostly completed (75% – 95%) Assignment is partially completed (50% – 75%) Assignment is less than 50% completed.
5 points 3 points 2 points 0 points
All responses are clear, specific, and accurate. They show insight into the article. Evidence for each claim is clear and demonstrates understanding. Most responses (75% – 95%) are specific, clear, and accurate. They show insight into the article. Evidence is mostly clear & demonstrates understanding. Some response (50-75%) are specific, clear, & accurate. They show insight into the article. Evidence from reading/class is missing. Less than 50% of the responses are accurate. Significant evidence is missing.
Data, Statistics, and Marketing Claims: A Homework Assignment
You will compare and contrast the statements provided by BeachbodyTM regarding their protein drink in this assignment (Shakeology). After that, you’ll have to decide whether or not these assertions are true.
There are several question sets to answer as you progress through the assignment. Please respond to each question in a separate document (word doc or similar). In your answer, label them accordingly (question set 1, 2, etc.) and address each component of the question set. When answering the questions, use entire phrases or paragraphs.
To begin, watch the video below, in which BeachbodyTM summarizes the clinical study’s findings:
1st Set of Questions (Beachbody Claims): What are the accusations being made? What information is being provided? Describe any numbers or percentages that are offered.