Posted: November 28th, 2022
a list of 15 problems and list them from the most pressing to the least pressing. Choose the most pressing problem that you believe is the most critical and create a PowerPoint presentation by answering the following questions. Include your list in the presentation. This list will be used for future assignments.
Who is the issue about?
Who does the issue affect?
What is the issue about?
When did the issue happen? (timeline)
Where did the issue occur? (place)
Why did the issue occur?
How does this issue impact the world/ your environment/ your life?
Does this issue have multiple perspectives? If so explain.
If you could how would you solve this issue?
Provide 5-7 References to defend your answers
Choose the second most pressing problem from your list and create a PowerPoint Presentation by answering the following questions.
Who is the issue about?
Who does the issue affect?
What is the issue about?
When did the issue happen? (timeline)
Where did the issue occur? (place)
Why did the issue occur?
How does this issue impact the world/ your environment/ your life?
Does this issue have multiple perspectives? If so explain.
If you could how would you solve this issue?
Provide 5-7 References to defend your answers
Make a list of 15 problems and rank them from most urgent to least urgent. Choose the most pressing issue that you believe is the most important and construct a PowerPoint presentation by answering the questions below. Make a list and include it in the presentation. Future assignments will be based on this list.
What exactly is the problem?
Who is affected by the problem?
What exactly is the problem?
When did the problem occur? (timeline)
What was the source of the problem? (place)
What caused the problem?
What is the impact of this issue on the planet, your environment, and your life?
Is there a variety of viewpoints on this issue? If this is the case, please explain.
What would you do if you had the power to solve this problem?
To back up your responses, provide 5-7 references.
Select the second most important issue.