Posted: November 28th, 2022
Check the internet and the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) List for networked IoT or IoMT devices with publicly known problems identified in the past six months.
Select two devices related that might be relevant to the organization setting and review what is known about the vulnerabilities of these devices.
For each device, include background information about the device, a description of the vulnerability, possible solutions that have been identified to fix the vulnerability, and your recommendation on whether the organization should avoid the product.
Use this Memo Template to record your work.
Go to the Physical Security Plan Assignment Resources page.
Download the maps and save the file as FirstName_LastName_Physical_Security_Plan.
For each map, click the icons in the map key and drag them to the place on the map you believe they should be located. If you want to place an icon multiple times, you can copy it by right-clicking or selecting it and clicking CTRL+C.
Then answer the follow-up questions in the Physical Security Plan Template.
How Will My Work Be Evaluated?
As an information security professional, you must consider potential threats to the physical security of an enterprise and plan to implement controls to mitigate associated risk. The security recommendations in your three physical control diagrams demonstrate your understanding of how the physical environment and infrastructure can affect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information systems.
The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment:
• 1.1.3: Present ideas in a clear, logical order appropriate to the task.
• 1.3.1: Identify potential sources of information that can be used to develop and support ideas.
• 2.1.1: Identify the issue or problem under consideration.
• 10.1.1: Identify the problem to be solved.
• 12.3.1: Select controls.
• 12.3.2: Describe the implementation of controls.
• 13.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder.
• 13.1.2: Describe the various processes that affect policies, processes, and procedures.
When you are finished, submit your Physical Security Plan Maps and Physical Security Plan by using the box below. (Note: You will upload two separate files: a PowerPoint file with the security maps and the Physical Security Plan template document with your responses to the follow-up questions.
Physical Security Plan Assignment Resources page:
Physical Security Plan Assignment Resources
Download the Physical Security Plan Maps and save it as FirstName_LastName_Physical_Security_Plan. The file, containing three maps of the hospital, should download as a Microsoft PowerPoint. You may have to click the “Enable Editing” button.
For each map, click the icons in the map key and drag them to the place on the map you believe they should be located. If you want to place an icon multiple times, you can copy the icon by right-clicking or selecting it and pressing Ctrl+C, and then pressing Ctrl+V as needed.
The Physical Security Plan Template contains follow-up questions related to the maps.
These resources are about physical control planning, which will help with your assignment:
• Security Controls
• Physical Security Planning
• Security Considerations for Hospitals
Part 1: Search the internet and the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) List for networked IoT or IoMT devices that have been publicly acknowledged as having vulnerabilities in the last six months.
Select two devices that may be relevant to the organization’s environment and analyze what is known about their vulnerabilities.
Include background information on the device, a description of the vulnerability, any identified methods to resolve the issue, and your recommendation on whether the company should avoid the product for each device.
To keep track of your efforts, use this Memo Template.
Go to the Resources page for the Physical Security Plan Assignment.
Save the file as FirstName LastName Physical Security Plan after downloading the maps.
Click and drag the icons in the map key for each map.