Posted: November 28th, 2022
I would like for you all to think about a subculture (one and only one) that you belong to and share a full page of argot with the class. This assignment needs to be a detailed examination of the subculture through the lens of culture and language. As you write about the Argot of the subculture tell the rest of the class what these terms mean, how they are used and what they say about the lived social reality of the group. The requirements for the responses are fairly opened ended, but use them to work on relating to how the Argot demonstrates and draws social boundaries around the unique culture being described.
I’d like you to think of one (and only one) subculture to which you belong and share a whole page of argot with the class. This project must be a thorough investigation of the subculture via the lenses of culture and language. As you write about the subculture’s jargon, explain to the rest of the class what these terms mean, how they’re used, and what they signify about the group’s experienced social reality. The response requirements are pretty open-ended, but use them to focus on how the Argot displays and defines social boundaries around the distinct culture being described.