Posted: November 28th, 2022
Quiz 1 covers material from Unit 1.
Part One: Indigenous America.
I. Summarize the section “The First Americans” located in the textbook chapter, Indigenous
America. For help with writing a summary please see:
II. Students need to read the following primary sources located in the Indigenous America
Reader. Then, answer the questions for each primary source reading.
Journal of Christopher Columbus (1492)
1. What kind of primary source is it? (e.g., newspaper, pamphlet, court document, letter)
2. What is the date or approximate date of the source, and where was it created?
3. Who was Christopher Columbus?
4. What was his intention for creating the source, and who was/were the intended
5. What does the source say?
Bartolomé de Las Casas Describes the Exploitation of Indigenous Peoples (1542)
1. What kind of primary source is it? (e.g., newspaper, pamphlet, court document, letter)
2. What is the date or approximate date of the source, and where was it created?
3. Who was Bartolomé de Las Casas?
4. What was his intention for creating the source, and who was/were the intended
5. What does the source say?
The story of the Virgin of Guadalupe
1. What kind of primary source is it? (e.g., newspaper, pamphlet, court document, letter)
2. What is the date or approximate date of the source, and where was it created?
3. Who is the author/creator of the source? (This could be an individual or unknown person,
a committee, editorial board, government agency, etc.)
4. What was their intention for creating the source, and who was/were the intended
5. What does the source say?
III. How did Spanish colonization impact the indigenous population of the Americas during the
16th century? Short answer response needs to be a minimum of 5-7 sentences.
Part Two: Colliding Cultures.
I. Students need to read the following primary sources located in the Colliding Cultures Reader
and then answer the questions.
Richard Hakluyt makes the case for English colonization (1584), John Winthrop dreams of a city
on a hill (1630), John Lawson encounters Native Americans (1709), A Gaspesian man defends
his way of life (1641), The legend of Moshup (1830), Accusations of witchcraft (1692, 1706),
Manuel Trujillo Accuses Asencio Povia and Antonio Yuba of Sodomy (1731)
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. What arguments did Hakluyt make for English colonization in the Americas?
2. What was John Winthrop’s role in establishing the Massachusetts Bay colony?
3. What can historians learn from John Lawson’s notes on North American Indians?
4. According to a Gaspesian Indian, why was Native American life better than European
5. What do folk tales like “The Legend of Moshup” teach us about Native American
6. After reading “Accusations of witchcraft,” what gender was mainly associated with
witchcraft in colonial America?
7. How were acts of homosexuality in colonial America treated?
II. Compare and contrast Spanish colonization to English colonization in North America during
the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Some discussion topics may include the treatment of
Native Americans, religion, time period, reasons for colonizing, and location. There is no word
requirement; write as much as you think necessary to effectively present your interpretation of
Spanish and English colonization in North America.
Part Three: British North America.
I. Students need to choose ONE primary source from the British North America Reader and
answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. What kind of primary source is it? (e.g., newspaper, pamphlet, court document, letter)
2. What is the date or approximate date of the source, and where was it created?
3. Who is the author/creator of the source? (This could be a name or unknown person, a
committee, editorial board, government agency, etc.)
4. What was their intention for creating the source, and who was/were the intended
5. What does the source say?
6. What does the source tell you about British North America?
II. Summarize the section “II. Slavery and the Making of Race” located in the textbook chapter,
British North America. For help with writing a summary please see:
III. Summarize the section “IV. New Colonies” located in the textbook chapter, British North
America. For help with writing a summary please see:
IV. Describe something you found interesting from Unit I.