Posted: November 28th, 2022
Quiz1 Demo Submission: Zenmap
(The goal of this document is to show you a rubric, or what is expected from you to submit in lab
assignments). You can use this sample for all class labs. This demo reflects my expectations from you
when you submit a lab assignment, in order to get a full grade
• Latest version of Kali Linux can be downloaded from their official website As I am going to use it as a virtual OS, through Oracle Virtual Box, I
decided to use an already built virtual box from the website (
linux/). From this website, I downloaded: VirtualBox (VDI) 32bit Download Size: 3.4GB. This
image(based on the website) has the user name: root and the password
• After completing the download, I created an image in virtual box for the image disk that I
• I noticed that their was an issue with the image (where I cant update or install tools properly),
so I updated the file (sources.list) in Kali (sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list) according to the
original lists described in Kali website (
• Zenmap is a GUI version of NMAP network scanner (which is largely used as port
• It can be called in Kali by its name (zenmap)
• Port scanning is used by hackers in early stages to know about open ports and based on that
try to attack the network. For Pen testers, its also used to make sure that only relevant ports
are open
• The tool uses nmap console commands, for example, we select a host and start intense scan,
the console command will be nmap –T4 –A –v
• The first information we extract from the tools is the TCP/UDP ports’ status (i.e. either open,
filters, or closed)
• Some commands can give more time in testing ports ( as TCP and UDP each has 64K ports,
some tasks can take time)
• We care more about open ports (as typically limited number of ports should be opened)
• For the least the host should have 80 open (to enable Internet)
• We can get more details in the hosts or services of the tested domain
What you will do ? Make your own demo and screenshots of Zenmap tool (For simplicity, you can
follow the steps describe in one the following two links, either one is fine)
Zenmap submitted a demo for Quiz 1
(The purpose of this paper is to present you a rubric, or a list of what is expected of you in lab.)
assignments). This sample can be used in any class lab. This demonstration is in line with my expectations of you.
If you want to obtain a complete score on a lab assignment, you must submit it on time.
• Kali Linux’s most recent version can be obtained from their official website. I’m intending to utilize Oracle Virtual Box to run it as a virtual OS, so
choose to use a pre-built virtual box from the website (
linux/). I downloaded VirtualBox (VDI) 32bit Download Size: 3.4GB from this page. This
image(based on the website) has the user name: root and the password
• After completing