Posted: November 28th, 2022
As you learned earlier, a design check set is a collection of one or more design checks. For profiles, there are two types of design checks:
As you learned earlier, a design check set is a collection of one or more design checks. For profiles, there are two types of design checks:
As you learned earlier, a design check set is a collection of one or more design checks. For profiles, there are two types of design checks: line and curve. When a design check set is applied to a profile, Civil 3D flags any violations with a triangular yellow shield marked with an exclamation point. You can hover over the shield to get more information about the violation.
In this exercise, you’ll apply a design check set to the Jordan Court profile and then make some edits to address design violations.
1. Open the drawing named Design Check Set.dwg located in the Chapter 07 class data folder.
2. Click the Jordan Court FGCL profile, and then click Profile Properties on the ribbon.
3. In the Profile Properties dialog box, click the Design Criteria tab and check the box next to Use Criteria-Based Design.
4. Check the Use Design Check Set box, and select Subdivision.
5. Click OK to close the Profile Properties dialog box. Press Esc to clear the grips on the profile and note the two yellow shields near the right end of the profile, as shown in Figure 7.10.
6. Zoom in to the area where the warning symbols are displayed. Hover the cursor over the symbol on the left.
The tooltip reports that the grade check is being violated for this tangent.
7. Click the profile to display its grips. Then click the PVI grip to the left of the warning symbol and move it upward.
8. Move the PVI down little by little until both tangent warning symbols disappear, indicating that you have satisfied the design check for both tangents.
9. Press Esc to clear the selection, and then hover your cursor over the remaining warning symbol.
10. Click the profile to display the grips, and then click one of the circular grips at either end of the curve and move it outward to lengthen the curve. When you lengthen the curve enough, the warning symbol disappears.
11. Save and close the drawing.
You can view the results of successfully completing this exercise by opening Design Check Set – Complete.dwg.