Posted: September 5th, 2023
8 Current Event Assignment
This Current Events assignment illustrates the challenges faced by an offender upon release from incarceration. Identified and discussed are some measures that can be taken to increase the likelihood of successful reentry back into society. This paper meets APA standards. The paper is well organized starting with an introduction and each paragraph flows logically to the next paragraph. The paper ends with conclusions and recommendations. The paper is between 7 pages in length. Paper follows the Current Events grading Rubic.
Current Event – Grading Rubric
Writing 20%
– Current Event Review meets APA/Graduate School standards.
– Paper is organized; each paragraph flows logically into the next paragraph.
– Appropriate terminology it used; writing is clear and concise.
– Proper spelling and grammar is used; sentences are properly constructed.
– Title page includes article name, title, date published, name of writers(s).
– Length of the paper is 2-4 pages.
Content 80%
-A summary of the article; the main purpose of the media is discussed.
– The review includes a discussion of the main purpose (message) of the media and how well the purpose (message) was delivered.
– Strengths and weaknesses of the media are discussed in detail; specific examples are included.
– Citation from at least one (2) other source are provided to underscore the major points discussed in the review.