Posted: January 18th, 2023
661954 Ethical Management for Positive Impact
Assignment Template
Module Title Ethical Management for Positive Impact
Module Code 661954
Assessment Element Individual Report
Word Count 4000 words max.
First Sit or Resit? First sit
Reassessment by resubmission or new assessment? Resubmission
Submission Date 16th of January 2023 (16:00 hours)
Assessment Submission (for student information)
eSubmission is the approved method for your programme of study. You must hand in your assessed Assignment(s), for all modules that you are taking during the 2021/22 Academic Year using the Canvas system. Submission of a printed copy is NOT allowed. You should submit via the Assignments menu item on the relevant module Canvas site.
Assignments must be submitted by the date and time stipulated. Deadlines will be strictly adhered to. Students submitting late, and who do not have mitigating circumstances approved by the Mitigating Circumstances Panel, will be subject to penalties for late submission specified by the University. Please note that Saturday and Sunday are treated as “working days” for the purposes of the late submission policy.
Report: Social Impact Project
Individual Report –. This assignment contributes to 100% of overall marks for the module. The assignment consists of a structured report, with an overall wordcount of4000 words maximum.
Working Scenario and Instructions
You are a social entrepreneur who has identified a specific social problem, and you want to create a project that addresses the problem, generate maximum impact, and attract financial support to get your project idea off the ground. Therefore, you need to create a social impact plan and report, that you can show to grant funders, public institutions, social investors, potential partners, or others.
(Notes: the term ‘social’ here implies social and/or environmental changes that would benefit society. Also, please note that you are not being asked to produce a “business plan”. This report would support or complement such plan, but it has different aims).
Your report should have the following structure:
Cover and Title Page(not subject to word count). A single separate page with the title of your report. You can be as creative with the title as you want. Add your student number on the title page and wordcount, but DO NOT add your name.
Executive summary (one page maximum – not subject to word count). This section should provide a very concise overview of what is contained in your report. (Note: an Executive Summary is to a professional report what an Abstract is to an academic work).
Table of Contents (not subject to word count). A page listing the main sections of the report, enumerated (e.g. 1, 1.1) and aligned appropriately (e.g. subsections, indentation) providing their respective page numbers. If a list of figures and/or abbreviations is needed provide it immediately after the contents’ section. Such lists are also not subject to word count.
Main body – information here should be clearly structured and organised with the use of headings/sub-headings. You are free to decide the specific titles of those but, as a minimum, your report should contain a description of: a) the social problem you wish to address; b) your target groups; c) the type of organisation you are proposing to address the problem; d) your planned activities and outputs; e) your intended results (outcomes and impacts); f) your impact logic, using an appropriate model to present it; and g) your impact monitoring strategy. Your reasoning and argumentation throughout should be strongly informed and supported by evidence of critical review of practitioner and academic literature. You should make ample use of concepts covered during the module andevidence background research to strengthen your discussion that goes beyond the sources provided by tutor(s).
References (not subject to word count). They should be listed in alphabetical and chronological order, formatted according to the University of Hull’s Harvard Referencing Guidelines (available here), and should ideally contain a mixture of: a) textbooks and monographs, b) papers published in peer reviewed journals, c)practitioner sources, d) current literature (e.g. newspapers, journals, trade literature) and/or information available from relevant websites.
Appendices, if needed (not subject to wordcount, but only suitable for non-essential materials, diagrams, etc).
Learning Outcomes
This assignment assesses the module’s learning outcomes listed below. For a successful completion the assignment should evidence ability to:
LO1 Demonstrate critical knowledge of ethical concepts in management and their application to societal challenges.
LO2 Critically evaluate alternative organisational models, formats and responses to sustainability related challenges.
LO3 Evaluate the impact of social, economic, financial, legal and/or environmental issues on organisations through critical adoption of established analytical procedures or frameworks.
LO4 Design and propose organisational strategies and practice-based solutions for positive impact at multiple levels and scales.
Supporting Resources
You can find a wide range of supporting resources to help you with your writing, referencing, critical thinking, research searches, etc, in the University’s online guides developed by our Skills Team. To access the full set of resources, please check the University’s website:
Some useful guides of particular relevance to this assignment include:
– Referencing your work: Harvard Hull (this is the referencing style you should use for all assignments at Hull University Business School)
– Writing academically
– Critical writing
– Referencing your work. Please remember that in the Business School students are required to use the Harvard Hull referencing system.
Check also the remaining SkillsGuides for other tailored resources that can be useful for your own needs, as well as the University’s Digital Student resources.
The module Canvas site and reading materials provided throughout the term will also contain additional useful sources and resources to help you with this assignment.
Remember that a good assignment will:
have a clear structure and presentation, with a good separation of themes through the appropriate use of headings and sub-headings. Your work should be logically constructed, explained and concluded.
show evidence of clear and original thinking and diligent research. Students should show evidence of wide reading on the subject matter selected and also in-depth understanding through a critical use of secondary research;
be no more than 4000 words long – the University will normally not mark beyond the stipulated assignment length.You are free to decide how you want to split the wordcount across documents A and B, but you should indicate in each document its wordcount size. Overall wordcount excludes cover pages(s), table of contents, and list of references, as well as charts, graphs or tables.
demonstrate good word processing and presentational skills;
Appendices can be used but only for illustrative or non-essential materials – not for main text, as this will not be considered in marking;
not contain any evidence of plagiarism or poor academic practice. See our skills team guide on what is plagiarism and how to avoid it.
Student Number:
Indicative Mark (subject to Module Board agreement):
Grading descriptors: quality of response to task and/or demonstration of ability
90+ A+ First Exemplary in all respects
80-90 A First Outstanding; exemplary in some respects.
70-79 A- First Excellent; outstanding in some/one major respect
60-69 B 2:i Good to very good
50-59 C 2:ii Satisfactory, with some gaps or limitations
40-49 D Third Adequate, but weak
35-39 E Com Fail Unsatisfactory. Some strengths, but outweighed by weak features.
1-34 F Fail Very unsatisfactory.
Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria:
A+ A A- B C D E F
LO1: Demonstrate critical knowledge of ethical concepts in management and their application to societal challenges.
Use and application of a depth and breadth of evidence, ideas, concepts, theory and other relevant information to evidence critical understanding and build argumentation.
LO2: Critically evaluate alternative organisational models, formats and responses to sustainability related challenges.
Ability to critically reflect on proposed organisational model(s), formats and responses to problem(s) identified.
LO3: Evaluate the impact of social, economic, financial, legal and/or environmental issues on organisations through critical adoption of established analytical procedures or frameworks.
Quality and rationale for impact monitoring and measuring system.
LO4: Design and propose organisational strategies and practice-based solutions for positive impact at multiple levels and scales.
Quality of analysis, evaluation and critical appraisal of proposed model of strategies, solutions,and underlying assumptions linking actions to impacts
Technical and academic writing standards
Overall organisation, structure and standard of presentation of the assignment, and adherence to the assignment brief (inc. wordcount, structure, etc).
Use of correct and appropriate referencing standards.
Quality and range of relevant literature sources for the issues and arguments presented.
Standard of written communication and use of discipline-related terminology.
This is an assignment template for a module called “Ethical Management for Positive Impact” with the module code 661954. The assessment element is an individual report with a maximum word count of 4000 words. The submission date is January 16th, 2023 at 16:00 hours and the method of submission is through the Canvas system. The assignment is worth 100% of the overall marks for the module. The scenario given is that the student is a social entrepreneur who has identified a specific social problem and wants to create a project to address the problem and attract financial support. The report should have a cover and title page, an executive summary, a table of contents, and a main body that includes a description of the social problem, target groups, type of organization, planned activities and outputs, intended results and impact, impact logic and monitoring strategy. The report should be well-supported by evidence and references and should follow the University of Hull’s Harvard Referencing Guidelines.