Posted: January 31st, 2022
6 Concepts Of Health
In this assignment, you will explore the six concepts of health (physical, intellectual, emotional, professional, social, and spiritual) in a formal APA-formatted assignment. First-person is acceptable for this assignment.
For each of the six concepts, you are asked to include:
A description of the concept (DESCRIBE EACH ONE!)
How important you consider the component to be in your daily life (i.e., percentage totaling 100 for all six concepts) (NOTE: There is no right or wrong answer here; this is your opinion.)
Describe a minimum of two ways you currently use to maintain (or plan to use to improve) this type of health. (Describe a minimum of two ways you currently use to maintain or plan to use to improve your top rated aspect of health. Two or more methods for maintaining or improving the top rated health concept were fully described. )
As a leader, how do you plan to instill the importance of self-care in those you lead? Explain. (A thoughtful and well developed discussion of prospective plans with specific examples are provided.)
What are the signs that a nurse isn’t properly caring for themself? (Five or more signs are described including the concept(s) of health they relate to.)
How would you approach that person and assist? (Clear and well developed description of at least one plan of action for addressing a person exhibiting at least one of the signs previously addressed with specific examples or action steps. )
How can you make health (including all concepts) a part of the organizational culture? (At least two ways to incorporate the six concepts of health into the organizational culture within an institution are addressed from a management perspective. )
In this project, you will write a formal APA-formatted paper in which you will investigate the six notions of health (physical, intellectual, emotional, professional, social, and spiritual). This assignment can be written in the first person.
You must include the following for each of the six concepts:
A concept description (DESCRIBE EACH ONE!)
How significant you believe the component is in your daily life (i.e., a percentage of 100 for all six concepts) (NOTE: There is no right or wrong answer here; this is your opinion.)
Describe at least two methods you now use to maintain (or want to use to improve) this level of health. (Describe a minimum of two ways you currently use to maintain or plan to use to improve