Posted: October 24th, 2022
57 year old hispanic male with hypertension and diabetes
For all the SOAP note assignments, you will write a SOAP note about one of your patients and use the following acronym:
S =Subjective data: Patient’s Chief Complaint (CC).
O =Objective data: Including client behavior, physical assessment, vital signs, and meds.
A =Assessment: Diagnosis of the patient’s condition. Include differential diagnosis.
P =Plan: Treatment, diagnostic testing, and follow up
Submission Instructions:
Your SOAP note should be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.
Please use a 57 year old hispanic male with hypertension and diabetes. Ive attached the previous discussion for this patient for reference of the patient info
See attached documents. Please closely follow all the instructions and expectations for the “Distinguished” column in the Rubric.