Posted: January 31st, 2023
A PMP is used to manage and monitor the project plan, thus providing clear guidelines for the project. You may use the template provided in Section 2.4 while writing the PMP & SRS but restrict the content to expectations specified here:
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Project Overview
1.2 Project Deliverables: SPMP, SRS in A1 and SDD in A2.
1.3 Reference Materials
1.4 Definitions and Acronyms
2. Project Organization
2.1 Process Model: Agile
2.1.1 Project Planning
2.1.2 Requirements Analysis: Use SCRUM features such as Product Backlog Items written in User Story form, Sprint Tasks (this section should be in detail as it is the SRS. Each item and sub item must
be indexed so that it can be referenced again in Assignment 2 Software Design Documentation) 2.1.3 Software Design: Architecture of web application, GUI design, process & workflow design,
database design (mention this will be delivered as a milestone in the 2nd assessment, so do not provide in-depth details here)
2.1.4 Analysis Review
2.1.5 Client Project Review
2.1.6 Prototype: Front end prototype
2.1.7 Client Presentation
2.2 Organizational Structure
2.2.1 Project manager and Tasks
2.3 Organizational Boundaries and Interfaces
2.3.1 GitHub Communication
2.3.2 Meeting Times
2.4 Project Responsibilities
2.4.1 Project Management
2.4.2 Project Sponsor (in case of real-world projects)
2.4.3 Liaison manager (in case of real-world projects)
2.4.4 Document Editor
3. Managerial Process
3.1 Management Objectives and Priorities
3.2 Assumptions, Dependencies and Constraints
3.2.1 Assumptions
3.2.2 Dependencies
3.2.3 Constraints
3.3 Risk Management: Details of individual team risk management assessments should be provided
3.3.1 Analysts perspective
3.3.2 Design perspective: Front end, process, database
3.3.3 Project Management perspective
3.4 Monitoring and Controlling Mechanisms
4. Technical Process
4.1 Methods, Tools and Techniques
4.2 Software Documentation
4.3 Project Support Functions
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4.4 Work Elements, Schedule (do not include Budget)
4.4.1 Overall Project Plan
2.3.2 Software Design Document (see unit outline for weighting of marks and due dates for this activity)
Assessment 2 of this unit requires you to write an SDD. This document should be at a detailed design level. This means, all the major components of the system should be designed with a satisfactory level of granularity such that if your SDD is given to a programmer to implement, it should be easily implementable. In addition, the design should match the requirements specified during the Requirement Analysis activity (see Section 2.1.2 Requirements Analysis in your A1 document). That is, each design component should be indexed and should be traceable to a requirement specification in Section 2.1.2. You may use a matrix to manage this. Specifically, designs are required for: business component identification, the front design end, process & workflow design, database design and security concerns in design. You should use the Model View Controller (MVC) framework for the server-side components of the process design.
The structure of the SDD should be as follows:
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Definitions and Acronyms
2. SDD Organization
2.1 Business Component Design: Each Business Component has a specific business purpose should have the following dimensions
2.1.1 Business Purpose: Why does it exist?
2.1.2 Activities: What simple, cohesive activities are regularly performed?
2.1.3 Resources: What tangible assets and human resources are required?
2.1.4 Governance: How are activities and resources managed?
2.1.5 Business Services: What is taken form and offered to other components? (consider people, process and technology together)
2.2 Front End Design: Consider structural design of each web page using mock-ups
2.3 Process & Workflow Design: Consider drawing UML activity diagrams for each user story
2.4 Database Design: Provide the overall E-R diagram with explanation and rational
2.5 Security in Design: Consider using STRIDE principles for Application Security
3. Conclusion (Provide the traceability matrix here from requirements to design components)
4. References