Posted: July 16th, 2023
Task 2. Machine Learning Model Development Using Text Insights: Using the textual voice of customers (VoC) available on a brand’s social media – 1) develop a marketing theory-driven text classification dataset, 2) develop and train a new custom text analysis model using a machine learning tool, 3) test the newly
developed text analysis model and provide evidence of its reliability, and 4)
discuss the applications of the model.
Task 3. SAS® Vi”sual Analytics on SAS® Viya®Solutions: Participate in Week 10-13
SAS® demonstrations and practice.Answer all SAS® exercise questions in
Week 12 and Week 13, and save thse answers with relevant discussions in a .
wo,rd document (lab book).
Sections of the Report:
The report should have the following sections. Use appropriate sub-heading/sub- section. s.
2.1, 2· ·2, 3·1′ 3·2) as required to present an excellent and engaging report.