Posted: November 29th, 2022
Signature Assignment Research Paper (35%): The Signature Assignment for the course is a
research paper addressing an LGBTQ education issue. Students will select an issue that will
be approved by the course instructor. The signature assignment will provide an opportunity
for students to apply the key concepts, topics, and themes studied throughout the semester
to a topic of their own interest. Students will identify and select a minimum of five academic
sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles, scholarly book chapters or books, policy briefs,
etc.). Students will gather these sources from the university’s print and digital collections.
Throughout the semester, students will keep record of their sources and identify relevant
content for their research paper. Students will produce a 5-6 page APA formatted paper that
synthesizes the literature they have identified in relation to the assigned course readings.
Claims stated in the paper will be supported with evidence (e.g., quotes, properly cited
paraphrased content, etc.). Students will submit a first and final draft by the indicated due