Posted: July 20th, 2022
• In your work setting, if unemployed in your area of specialty, what is one nursing practice problem which you can have an effect on changing nursing practice? Discuss why you would be interested in this particular problem. The identified problem is to be an issue in which you as a nurse can have an effect on changing nursing practice. That is, as a nurse, ask yourself “is this a problem in which I can change the practice of nursing in my work setting or area of specialty”.
• For the identified nursing practice problem state a burning clinical question (research question) in PICOT format, P = patient population, I = intervention of interest, C = comparison intervention or status, O = outcome, T = time. The “I” would be the independent variable and the “O” would be the dependent variable(s). The comparison intervention would be what is presently standard of care. (Example PICOT question: In women who have full-term delivery (P), what is the effect of skin-to-skin contact and time alone (I) versus current practice of ………….. (C) on exclusive breast-feeding (O) at discharge (T)?) For writing research questions see Chapter 11 in the Brown (2018) textbook and Chapter 2 in the Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2019) textbook.
• With the burning clinical question in PICOT format, indicate keywords that you would use to begin a literature search on this problem.
• Using the keywords locate a current (last five years) full text experimental research study or systematic review by searching the Library databases (e.g. EbscoHost, CINAHL, Pubmed). To assist in this search review pages Chapter 12 of the Brown (2018) textbook. Cite the reference for this study and discuss why this research Search the Library databases for a current (last five years) full text experimental research study or systematic review using the keywords (e.g. EbscoHost, CINAHL, Pubmed). To help with this search, read Chapter 12 of Brown’s (2018) textbook. Cite the source for this study and explain why it was is relevant to answering the chosen nursing practice problem.
• Once you have selected your study, review the credibility and clinical significance appraisal questions for a quantitative study or a systematic review. Are the findings credible? Are the findings clinically significant? Briefly justify your answer to both questions (a paragraph each).
• Attach the full-text article to the discussion posting.