Posted: November 28th, 2022
For this assignment it is required to read the two article’s (attached) and provide a summary of the guidelines according to the rubric.
Please provide an APA formatted paper that summarizes the articles in 2 paragraphs that consists of a study design (data found in articles). This paper is required to include a paraphrase of the main objectives/ideas as well as cited quotes from the article.
The reaction paper will be a reflection of:
1. How the topics addressed in the article impact self and health care (example: malpractice)
2. Explain how a student can be a change agent to the events addressed in the articles
This paper will be a total of 5 pages:
Pages 1-2: The two article summary with paraphrased main ideas, the study design(s) and cited quotes.
Pages 3-4: The reaction paper discussing the questions previously stated (Please see the attached screenshot)
Page 5: Reference Page
▪ It is important that you STRICTLY follow and adhere to all criteria as outlined in the rubric (attached).