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Posted: November 19th, 2022

Community Windshield Survey
Assignment Prompt
PART 1 A. (1 page)
Complete your community assessment. Define your assessment at your local level in order to obtain adequate health data for the community. Large urban areas with adequate data may also be assessed. Gather demographic and epidemiological data for your community assessment using:
• Census reports
• Vital statistics reports
• City records
• Health department report
Research websites for your community to assist you in data collection and community assessment. After you have collected data and observations of your community you are asked to interpret the data.
• Consider how the data you collected may have pointed to deficiencies in the health services; cultural characteristics or economic disparities that may contribute to poor health infrastructure that encourages or discourages healthy behaviors and other determinants of health that inform the epidemiological analysis of your community for example.
PART 1 B. (1 page)
Windshield Survey
i. Introduction to your community cultural characteristics (The area/community of focus is Oxnard city/town, California and the population is Mixtecan and indigenous)
• Your Windshield Survey observations (see below for required contents)
ii. Using the combined Windshield Survey and data obtained from your resources (including your local hospitals Community Needs Assessment) identify one public health problem for a vulnerable population, and make a conclusion of your interpretation
Explore the following website and find examples of epidemiological objectives that can be applied to your community:
• County Health Rankings. (2019). How healthy is your community? Retrieved from http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/
• United States Census Bureau. (n.d.) Retrieved from https://data.census.gov/cedsci/
• The Kaiser Family Foundation. (2020). State Health Facts. Retrieved from https://www.kff.org/statedata
• National Center for Health Statistics. (2019). CDC. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/
• United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://data.census.gov/cedsci/
• Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion [(ODPHP)]. (2016). Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from https://www.healthypeople.gov/
Google your local hospitals Community Needs Assessment as it relates to the Healthy People 2020 objectives to the health problems you identified in your community. See these sample Community Needs Assessments from University of California Medical Center, Orange, CA, and Kaiser Foundation Hospital, Anaheim and Irvine, CA.
SAMPLE Community Health Needs Assessments
2019 Community Needs Assessment, San Diego. Retrieved from https://health.ucsd.edu/about/gca/Documents/UCSDH-CHNA-Full-Report-2019.pdf
What is a Windshield Survey?
This assessment is a foundational exercise for you to learn about your environment and explore where you live. Take some time to intentionally explore your county. Look at your county as the home and the place of work for the county residents.
While driving through your community, stop for coffee or have lunch in a neighborhood. Find a place to eat where you can sit down as part of the community. You may want to walk around your community as well so that you can explore it from both a driving perspective and a walking perspective.
Once you have observed the area, write about your impressions of the county in your notes. Reflect on any surprises and whether the county looks different to you now after taking the time to note the various elements. What would you like to learn more about related to your topic and population of interest? You may want to sketch a map related to your topic area for future reference when writing your community description.
Take notes on the county using the following questions as a guide. These questions are only to provide guidance; you may discover other areas that you want to note. Include your findings in the community description section of your paper.

PART 2. ( 4 pages).
1. Housing and Commercial Buildings:
• How old are the houses and buildings in the community?
• What materials are the homes and buildings constructed from?
• Are all the houses similar in age and architecture?
• How would you characterize their differences?
• Are the houses detached or connected to each other?
• Are there solar panels? Windmills?
• Do the houses have space in front or behind them?
• What is the general condition of the houses and buildings?
• Are there signs of disrepair (e.g., broken doors or windows, leaks, missing locks)?
• Are there signs of neighborhood pride, such as well-tended yards?
• Is there central heating, modern plumbing, air conditioning?
2. Open space:
• Is the county primarily rural, suburban, urban, or a mix? How much open space is there?
• What is the quality of the space (i.e., lush green parks or rubble-filled lots)?
• What is the lot size of the houses, lawns, and flower boxes?
• Do you see trees on the streets or a green island in the center of the streets?
• Is the open space public or private? Who uses this space?
3. Boundaries:
• What signs are there of where neighborhoods begin and end?
• Are the boundaries natural (a river, a different terrain); physical (a highway, railroad); or economic (differences in real estate or presence of industrial or commercial units along with residential)
• Do the neighborhoods have an identity or a name? Do you see them displayed? Are there unofficial names?
4. “Commons”:
• What are the neighborhood hangouts (e.g., schoolyard, convenience store, bar, restaurant, park, 24-hour drugstore)?
• What groups of people tend to gather at these hangouts?
• At what time do they typically meet?
• Does the commons area have a sense of territoriality, or is it open to everyone?
5. Transportation:
• How do people get in and out of the neighborhoods (e.g., car, bus, bike, walking)?
• Are the streets and roads conducive to good transportation and bicycle use and also to community life?
• Are there major highways running through the county? Who do these highways serve?
• How frequently is public transportation available?
• Are gas stations available?
• Are there train stations or light rail stations?
6. Service centers:
• Do you see social agencies, clients, recreation centers, signs of activity at the schools?
• Are there offices of doctors, dentists, and other such services?
• Are there parks? Are these parks in use?
7. Stores:

• Where do residents’ shop (e.g., shopping centers, neighborhood stores, outdoor markets)
o How do they travel?
8. People out and about:
• If you are traveling during the day, who do you see on the street (e.g., an occasional passerby, a father with a baby)?
• Do you see anyone you would not expect?
• Can you spot the purpose of those that you see, such as a door-to-door salesperson or a postal worker?
• Is the dress of those you see representative or unexpected?
• What animals do you see (e.g., stray cats, pedigreed pets, watchdogs, birds, wild life)?
9. Signs of community vibrancy:
• Is this neighborhood on the way up or down?
• Is it alive?
• How would you decide?
• Do you see any of the following: street vendors, trash, abandoned cars, political posters, neighborhood-meeting posters, real estate signs, abandoned houses, mixed zoning usage, people tending their yards, sidewalks in good repair?
10. Race:
• Are the residents primarily Caucasian, African-American, Asian, of another group, or is the area integrated?
11. Ethnicity:
• Are there indications of ethnicity (e.g., food stores, churches, private schools, information or signs in a language other than English)?
12. Religion:
• Of what religion are the residents?
• Do you see evidence of heterogeneity or homogeneity?
• What denominations are the churches, temples, and mosques?
• Do you see evidence of these religious facilities being used other than on days of worship?
13. Health:
• Do you see evidence of acute or of chronic diseases or conditions?
• Do you see evidence of accidents, communicable morbidity diseases, alcoholism, drug addiction, mental illness, etc.?
• How far it is to the nearest hospital? To the nearest clinic?
14. Politics:
• Do you see any political campaign posters?
• Is there a headquarters present?
• Do you see evidence of a predominant party affiliation?
15. Media:
• Do you see indications of television use such as satellite dishes?
• What magazines and newspapers do residents read?
• What media do you see being sold in the stores?
o What form of media seems most important to the residents (e.g., radio, television, print, online)?
• What languages are represented in the various forms of media?
16. Physical Environment:
• Are there indications of an excess of certain types of activities, such as stores that sell alcohol or fast-food restaurants?
• What sorts of billboards are displayed and what do they indicate?
• Are there many cell phone towers or is cell phone access limited?

Windshield Survey

Community Description

Linden Hills community was built in 1880 as an initiative to expand boundaries of the Minneapolis city and entice homebuyers to leave downtown for more comfortable living by the lakes Calhoun and Harriet (MinneapolisMN.gov, 2011). Now Linden Hills is perhaps the most recognizable and admired community in Minneapolis will modest-sized authentic homes, close proximity to the lakes and entertainments, commercial district, many parks and shade trees.
Linden Hills is a small village, population of which has not changed in the last 40 years as significantly as its looks. New businesses see Linden Hills as a favorable place to thrive. Downtown of Linden Hills is often and currently undergoing construction works. Nevertheless, Linden Hills is a family-friendly community. Lake Harriet offers two cozy beaches, bike and hiking trails, the Bandshell, which is utilized daily for various performances in summertime.
Boundaries and Topography

Linden Hills is conveniently located in southwest Minneapolis between the lakes Calhoun and Harriet. “It’s bound on the north by 36th Street West and Lake Calhoun, on the east by William Berry Drive and Lake Harriet, on the south by 47th Street West, and on the west by France Avenue, which is the city limit” (MinneapolisMN.gov, 2011, para. 1). This community was named for its hilly streets that are lined with Linden trees.

As a part of Minneapolis, Linden Hills is located in the center of North America. Such location features the widest range of temperatures in the United States. During winter months (December, January, February), the cold air is usually blown from Canada, making the average temperature range from 7.5F to 38.9F. Summer months (June, July, August) are usually a subject to humidity and high temperature with the average range from 58.8F to 83.4F.

Weather conditions make Minnesotans and those who live in Minneapolis area more likely to suffer from seasonal allergies, flu and cold outbreaks. Education about precautions of spreading respiratory illnesses is provided in schools and public places via posters. Minnesotans are also at risk of acquiring tickborne disease in the first half of summer. These diseases include: Lyme disease, human anaplasmosis, babesiosis, rock mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, powassan virus, STARI, and tularmia (MN Department of Health, 2017). Avoiding bushy areas and using DEET repellents is a preferred way of avoiding tick bites.
Environmental Quality

Proximity to the city is convenient and favorable to Linden Hills residents, but this affects environmental quality of the area. The area is in 70-80 percentile for total environmental releases according to the pollution information website Scorecard. The same percentile goes for air and water releases that are potentially carcinogenic. Non-cancer risk score of air and water releases is at 80-90 percentile. Recognized carcinogens and developmental toxicants in air and water are at its highest (up to 100%), while reproductive toxicants are at 70-80 percentile.
An overall quality of water is 30-40%. There is 5% of surface waters with impaired or threatened uses. The aquatic life support is ranked at 70% and ability to safely swim in Scott county’s waters is ranked at 30%. The top hazardous chemicals that are found in the area are methanol, glycol ethers, xylene, n-butyl alcohol, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, ethylbenzene, ammonia, nickel.
Carbon monoxide, nitrogen, PM-2.5, PM-10, sulfur dioxide, volatile Organic Compound emission in the air are at the highest among 90-100% of dirtiest U.S. Counties. In Linden Hills area 79% of days are considered to have a good air quality remaining 21% of days have moderate air quality.

Two percent of houses in Linden Hills still have a high risk of lead hazards. Community have taken steps to preventing lead contamination “beginning April 2010, all contractors and rental property owners performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb lead- based paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 must be certified and must follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination” (MinneapolisMN.gov, 2017, para. 3).
Such low environmental quality negatively affects the health of residents. 9.4% adults report fair or poor health, 16.8% have hypertension, 5.3% have diabetes, 4.9% have heard disease or experienced stroke, 32.4% have high cholesterol. 88.4% of children are healthy, while 10.6% have serious health condition (Hennepin County Minnesota, 2017). While fighting the air pollution issues created by major factories located in Minneapolis is a difficult task, Linden Hills community is taking care of its lands very well. Lakes and parks are kept exceptionally clean with a group of full-time year-round keeper employees. Healthy lifestyle is promoted by Linden Hills residents, featuring several yoga studios, fitness and community center with a swimming pool. Biking and hiking/walking trails around the lakes are heavily utilized by Linden Hills residents all year round. Linden Hills co-op offers healthy food selections.
Something to read and learn about how the environment impacts health

Type of Housing and Overall Condition

There are 3,731 housing units in Linden Hills with 60.7% of them being single family homes (MN Compass, 2015), 10% of which are rented. Duplex or triplex type homes constitute 11.6% of all, and there is approximately the same number of condominiums and townhomes.
Rented units in apartment buildings account for 15.7% of all Linden Hills housing options.

About one half of Linden Hills houses are 60 years and older, but most of them are well- maintained and in a good shape.
Land Use

The land is primarily used for residential and recreational purposes. No agriculture or industrial areas have been established. Recreational uses of the land includes public outdoor pool, tennis court, playground, rose garden, and two beaches of the lake Harriet.

The intersection of 43 rd Street and Upton Avenue South features a small business hub that provides for the needs of residents. It includes shops, beauty salons, dining options featuring Creative Kidstuff toy store, Great Harvest bread bakery, Heartfelt Craft Studio, Sebastian Joe’s Ice Cream Café, Wild Rumpus Bookstore, Zumbro Cafe, Naviya’s Thai Bistro, Dunn Brothers Coffee and Tilia restaurant. World Vision Humanitarian organization, Sundial Solar Energy LLC, dentistry, and more businesses are established in the area (MN Compass, 2015).
Housing and Other Buildings

The Waters Senior living located on W 50th street and Beards Ave provides full living arrangements and services to older adults including memory care.
The business sectors of Linden Hills are located on 43rd and Upton Ave (has several restaurant options, retail shops, a bakery, a meat and fish shop, hair salon and more), 44th and Beard Ave (has a bakery and auto services) and 44th and France Ave (has a Coo-op store, wine and cheese shop, and a plant nursery).
Population Size and Density

Population size of Linden Hills neighborhood is 8,097 residents, which stayed about the same from the time the neighborhood was established. Population density is 5,400/sq mi or 2,100/km2 (United States Census Bureau, 2015).
Demographic Characteristics

In 2015 there were 3,844 males and 4,253 females that accounts for 47.5% and 52.25% respectively, see Appendix A. (United States Census Bureau, 2015).
Majority of Linden Hills residents are aged between 25 and 65. Almost 10% of residents are 65 and older. About one fifth of residents are minors. For more detailed age distribution, see Appendix B (United States Census Bureau, 2015).
84.5% of residents are white (not Hispanic, nor Latino). 5.4% are African Americans.

2.4% are Asians, 2,7% are Hispanic or Latino, and 5% carry two or more races, see Appendix C (United States Census Bureau, 2015).
The birth rate is 12.7 births per 1,000 population and the death rate is 7.8 per 1,000 population, see Appendix D (MN Department of Health, 2015).
Leading causes of death in Minneapolis (that includes Linden Hills neighborhood), for individuals of all ages, are as following: cancer, hearth disease, stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, and unintentional injury. See appendix E for number of deaths per 100,000 individuals (United States Census Bureau, 2015). Statistic is slightly different for individuals who are younger than 75 years, placing unintentional injury on a third place and suicide on fifth.
Socioeconomic Status

The top occupations in the area are as following: healthcare and social assistance (13.2%); educational services (12.8%); professional, scientific, and technical services (11.0%); finance and insurance (8.8%); retail trade (7.9%); management of companies and enterprises

(7.1%); accommodation and food services (6.0%). The occupational difference between men and women is not significant in this area.
Among residents who are 25 years old and older, 97.5% are high school graduates and only 7% of them haven’t studied beyond the high school. 71.8% have received bachelor’s degree or higher.
Total civilian non-institutionalized population between 18 and 64 years of age is 5,568 individuals. 85.1% of them are employed. 5% of them are unemployed and looking to get employment. Only 13.1% of workers earn less than $15,000 per year, while 66% of workers earn
$40,000 and more. Median household income is $93, 909 per year. 7.2% of individuals have income that is below the poverty, 2.2% if individuals earn 100-149% of poverty income, and 4.4% of individuals earn 150-199% of poverty income. No individuals younger than 25 years reported to live below the poverty line. 4.4% of population in this area don’t have health insurance. The percent of children in single parent households is 6.8%. The statistics in this area is favorable compared the whole Minneapolis area and national average. For example, in Minneapolis 30% of all individuals 18 years and younger live below the poverty line. For age 18-24 years 43.1% live below the poverty line. In Minneapolis, 10.5% of children live in singe parents households and 10.6% of all individuals don’t have health insurance.
While socioeconomical issues in Linden Hills aren’t apparent, its residents take pride in helping whose who are in need. The World Vision Christian humanitarian organization’s office located in Downtown Linden Hills provides such opportunity. They partner with donors and families and children in need from all over the world providing financial opportunities and tackling the causes of poverty.

Lake Harriet Community School (LHCS) provides kindergarten through 8th grade education. This school uses the Focused Instructions teaching strategy to make sure learning expectations are consistent and high (LHCS, 2017). This is a public school and it has three special education resource teachers. Menus and nutrition are provided under the Minneapolis Public Schools’ guidelines. Extended day programs are available at LHCS.
Carondelet Catholic school offers education from kindergarten through 8th grade, as well as pre-K program. This is a private school and tuition is approximate to $4,500 per school year with financial assistance available for the members of the St. Thomas the Apostle Church. This school has a lunch program for $4.5 per meal.
Southwest High School provides education from 9th to 12th grades. 9th and 10th graders are a part of the Middle Years Programme. The full range of studies for 11th and 12th graders is offered via International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP) and the Advanced Placement (AP) program (SWHS, 2017). The Southwest High School Autism Program serves students from grade 9 to grade 12 with autism spectrum disorder who require significant educational interventions beyond the resource room setting.
Lerning Design, LLC offers tutoring services teaching enrolled students problem solving skills, embracing the idea of ‘learning how to learn’.
Dale Carnegie Training center located on W 47th street and Beard Ave S provides courses and seminars to adult individuals and organizations to enhance leadership skills, presentation effectiveness, sales effectiveness, and customer service.

Linden Hills park is located south of the lake Calhoun and west of the Harriet. It has a baseball and softball fields, new tennis court, chess tables, soccer field, playground, wading pool,

basketball court. Ice skating and a hockey rink is made on the lake on December through February.
Linden Hills Park Recreation Center (LHPRC) is located on 43rd street and Xerxes Ave.

It has a multi-purpose and kitchen rooms, lounge, meeting room, art and craft rooms. LNPRC offers a variety of programs on a daily basis that include team-based sports and school-age childcare programs.
Beard’s Plaisance park is located on 45th street and Upton Ave S and has a picnic shelter, tennis courts, and sledding hill. William Berry park is located near the lake Harriet and has picnic accommodations and boat rentals. Pershing park is located 48th street and Chowen Ave S and features a tennis court, kids’ swimming and wading pool, and baseball field. Parks are open daily to all residents and visitors of the city.
Linden Hills library is one of fourteen Hennepin county public libraries located in downtown Linden Hills and open daily for book readings, and activities.
YogaFit and Devanadi yoga studios offer classes, Ayurveda, and wellness therapies.

Devanadi yoga offers once a month free class available to general public by the lake Harriet in summertime.

Linden Hills Child Care Center and Southwest KinderCare are available in Linden Hills area. Southwest Montessori, Sunshine Montessori, Lake Harriet Montessori, Concy’s Montessori, and Zen Montessori schools are also located in Linden Hills or within 0.5 miles distance from the area. All of them offer child care from 6 weeks to 6 years of age, full- and part- time. Walker Methodist Senior Club offers daily adult day programs including activities and meals.


The area is served by the MetroTransit bus company with the routes 6B, 6D, and 6E. These routes travel north-south on Upton Ave S, Xerxes Ave S, and France Ave S. They each make four stops in the area, connecting it to the Southdale Mall in Edina, Uptown and Downtown Minneapolis, and University of Minnesota. Each bus comes every 30 minutes in a daytime and is handicapped accessible. This way, there is a bus stop within the walking distance from every Linden Hills location.
Linden Hills has a car sharing program called HOURCAR, hub number 36 of which is located in the parking lot of the Settergren Ace Hardware store. It is an electric car, electricity for which is provided by Linden Hills Co-op rooftop solar panels established in 2007.
“The designated bike routes through the neighborhood are: Upton/Sheridan Ave from 47th St to 39th St, W. 44th St between France and Upton Ave.; W. 42nd St between Sheridan Ave. and Lake Harriet Pkwy” (Linden Hills Neighborhood Council, 2017, para. 2).
The Nice Ride bike station is established on the corner of Upton Ave & Sheridan St. It is easy to use, as the bike can be picked up and dropped off at any other station in the cities.
Metro Mobility program serves Linden Hills and is available to the resident upon applying for it. The sidewalks are present on both sides of each major road. The intersection of Upton Ave S and 44Th St W, that is known as a part of the downtown Linden Hills, has a parking lot that is heavily utilized by visitors of the area. In days of good weather, heavy traffic can be observed on this intersection and parking spots are very limited. This creates inconvenience for the area residents and visitors.
Community Safety

Linden Hills is considered to be a safe place to reside. Overall crime rate is considered to be 26% lower than the national average. For every 100,000 people there is 5.76 daily crimes in this area. Linden Hills is reported to be safer than 86% of Minnesota cities. Linden Hills area is protected by Minneapolis Police Department and Minneapolis Fire Station 28.
Severe weather shelter areas are located at Linden Hills Library and Linden Hills Co-op.

Healthcare Services

The Sunu Wellness Center is located in Linden Hills. It specializes is holistic healing and offers acupuncture, chiropractic, sports physicals, personal injury, nutrition and wellness services, as well as massage and mental health therapies. Linden Hills Dentistry located in downtown Linden Hills offers a wide range of dental services.
Healthcare Facilities

The Linden Hills area is served by the Fairview Southdale Hospital in Edina. It offers the full range of healthcare services: allergies, asthma, immunology, vascular care, behavioral health, the birthplace, breast care, cancer care, certified nurse midwifery, critical care, diabetes care, otolaryngology, emergency care, eye care, heart care, home medical equipment, hospitalists, nephrology, maternal-fetal medicine, medication therapy management, neonatal intensive care, neurosciences, nutrition, obstetrics and gynecology, orthotics and prosthetics, orthopedic medicine and surgery, palliative care, pediatrics, podiatry, primary care, radiology and imaging, rehabilitation, rheumatology, senior services, sleep medicine, stroke care, surgery, urology, vascular health center, weight loss: surgery and medical management, wound care and more (Southdale Center, 2017). Souhthdale Hospital is a nationally certified Comprehensive Stroke center and it provides world-class neurosurgery.

Healthcare Providers

Dr. Liz Gingrey, Dr. Tiffany Egan, Dr. Susan Quigley, Dr. Kayla Baldwin, Dr. Cailin Shurson, and Dr. Courtney Casper provide chiropractic services through Sunu Wellness Center. Anna Hagen, MA and Vian Gredvig, LICSW provide for mental health wellness. Heather Fieder is a certified health coach available in the area. Deborah Walters is a doctor of homeopathy.
Jeanne Knutson, Erin Hanlon, Katie Hanlon, Nicole Duxbury, Leslie Kenney are massage therapist serving Linden Hills through the Sunu Wellness Center.
Dr. Kordie Reinhold, Dr. Peter Hinke, Dr. Chas Salem, Dr. Jane Puntillo are providing dental services via Linden Hills dentistry.
Cultural and Entertainment Events

Linden Hills Park is the home of the yearly Linden Hills spring festival with art fair

and marketplace, bounce houses, games, live music, parade, silent auction, and yoga in the park. This event is arranged and organized by the Neighborhood Council for the past 44 years and is proud to be ‘zero waste’ since 2008.
Faith Communities and Community Organizations

Lake Harriet Spiritual Community (LHSC), The Lake Harriet Lodge (Masonic Center), St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church and Linden Hills United Church of Christ are available in the area. The prevalent faith in the community is Christianity. LHSC is a unique organization that is managed by volunteers. Each week it features a national or a local speaker, meditation and music classes are offered weekly and monthly. In 2017, Linden Hills United Church has officially became a Sanctuary Congregation, advocating for racial and economical justice and avoiding deportation of undocumented immigrants. St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church is collaborating with the following charity organizations: Branch Lunch, Joyce Food Shelf, Meals

on Wheels, Personal Care Products, Habitat for Humanity, Simpson Housing Ministry, Knitting Ministry, Prayer Line, Feed My Starving Children.
Community and Public Services

Minneapolis Fire Department (MFD), particularly Station 28 located in Linden Hills, deploys SafetyNet system. It allows MFD to “quickly find and rescue individuals with autism, Alzheimer’s, dementia and other similar cognitive conditions who have wandered and become lost. Once enrolled in the service your loved one wears a Safety Net Tracking Bracelet. Each Bracelet emits a signal on a channel used by MFD for tracking people at risk” (MFD, 2015, para. 3). Fire drills are mandated to all LH schools and a library to be performed five times a year.
Outdoor tornado and severe weather siren warning is established by National Weather Service in the area. A simulated siren sound is heard on the first Tuesday of each months at 1pm to test this system.
Analysis of Community Needs and Assets

Linden Hills community appears to be a safe and comfortable place to live in and thrive, but environmental issues are present. As it’s been noted previously, the close proximity to the city, industrial centers, and factories affects environmental quality of the area. The area is in the 70-80 percentile for total environmental releases and in 80-90 percentile for non-cancer risk score of air and water releases. Recognized carcinogens and developmental toxicants in air and water are at its highest (up to 100%), while reproductive toxicants are at 70-80 percentile.
Carbon monoxide release puts Linden Hills among 90-100% of dirtiest U.S. Counties. The need for cleaner air was selected for a potential solution strategy because the air and environment quality affects overall health status of ALL residents silently, but negatively and surely.

Minnesota wilds have seen a large increase in tick population in recent years. With its bushy and green areas, many trees and parks, Linden Hills residents are at the risk of acquiring a tickborne illness, such as Lime disease. Education about precaution measures is needed to the public.
Two percent of houses in Linden Hills still have a high risk of lead hazards. It should be investigated that no minors are exposed to the led living in their homes.
No minute clinic or MD’s office is established in the area. It may present an issue if residents delay seeing a provider and receiving treatment for such reason.
Potential Solution Strategy

In order to fight for the cleaner air, the ways of cutting the most pollution by the best cost should be explored.
While the city residents earn incomes that are higher than average, they should be encouraged and may afford to invest in electric cars. The Linden Hills Neighborhood Council will be presented with a plan to provide incentives to individuals and families who purchase and utilize electric cars.
Solar panels installment on rooftops to provide for the energy needs of residential housing should be a future goal because it will help to reduce the use of natural gas for power and heating. The Linden Hills Neighborhood Council will be proposed to organize the forum to address residential solar options available to homeowners.
On the quarterly Neighborhood Council meeting, it will be proposed to explore the option of the outdoor air purifiers at the three business sectors located on 43rd and Upton Ave, 44th and Beard Ave, and 44th and France Ave.

A large number of trees makes it more challenging to keep the area clean during the fall.

Leaves get into the storm drains, from where into the lakes. The Linden Hills Environment & Sustainability Committee will be proposed with a plan to sponsor a program encouraging residents to take care of the leaves from their yards, so they don’t yet into the storm drains.
Lastly, educational brochures and posters will be made to educate the community about the use of pesticides and collect signatures to be presented to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency with the proposal to ban pesticides for purely cosmetic reasons in the city of Minneapolis, and particularly Linden Hills community.


Carondelet Catholic School (2017). Retrieved from: http://www.carondeletcatholicschool.com/default.aspx
Hennepin County Minnesota (2017). Public Health Data. Retrieved from: http://www.hennepin.us/your-government/research-data/public-health-data
Minneapolis Fire Department (2015, July 28). Fire Station 28. Retrieved from: http://www.minneapolismn.gov/fire/stations/fire_station28
MinneapolisMN.gov (2011, September 27). Linden Hills. Retrieved from: http://www.minneapolismn.gov/neighborhoods/lindenhills/index.htm
Scorecard.GoodGuide.com. (2011). The pollution information site: Pollution report card.

Retrieved form: http://scorecard.goodguide.com/community/index.tcl? zip_code=55379&set_community_zipcode_cookie_p=t&x=59&y=9 (accessed on 05/08/17).
KidsZone (2017). Create a graph. Retrieved from: https://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/default.aspx? ID=ffdfe78d4caa4e1186cc52364165491c (was utilized to create graphs).
Lake Harriet Community School (2017). Retrieved from: http://lakeharriet.mpls.k12.mn.us/index Linden Hills Neighborhood Council (2017). Transportation. Retrieved from:

MinneapolisMN.gov (2017, January 25). Training descriptions and providers. Retrieved from: http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/health/homes/lead/lead-hazard- control_leadsafepracticescourse
Minnesota Compass (2015). Linden Hills Neighborhood. Retrieved from: http://www.mncompass.org/profiles/neighborhoods/minneapolis/linden-hills

MN Department of Health (2015). 2015 Minnesota Health Statistics Annual Summary. Retrieved from: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/chs/annsum/15annsum/index.html

Southwest High School (2017). About out school. Retrieved from: http://southwest.mpls.k12.mn.us/about_our_school

Appendix A

Gender Distribution

Appendix B

Age Distribution

Appendix C

Distribution by Race

Appendix D

Birth and Death Rates per 1,000 Population

Appendix E

Leading Causes of Death (per 100,000 individuals)

Grading Rubric Please leave in paper

Points Criteria Unsatisfactory Insufficient Adequate Effective Points

points Describe the community as a place: includes all the required information on the community’s boundaries, topography, climate, environmental quality, type of housing, land use, industry and other buildings. Does not describe the community as a place, lacks information on the community’s boundaries, topography, climate, environmental quality and type of housing, land use, industry and other buildings. Describes the community as a place, lacks information on the community’s boundaries, topography, climate, environmental quality, type of housing land use, industry and other buildings. Describes the community as a place in detail. Discusses most of the information on the community’s boundaries, topography, climate, environmental quality, type of housing land use, industry and other buildings. Comprehensive and clear description of community.
Includes all the information on the community’s boundaries, topography, climate, environmental quality and type of housing land use, industry and other buildings.

points Describe the people of the
community: Does not describe the people of the
community, lacks Describes the people of the
community but Describes the people of the community,
discusses most of the Comprehensive and clear
description of the
Includes demographic lacks information information on the population. Includes
demographics characteristics, on the demographic all information on
characteristics, size & density of demographic characteristics & demographic
size & density of the population and characteristics & density of the characteristics&
population and leading causes of density of the population, leading density of the
leading causes of mortality and population, leading causes of mortality & population, leading
mortality and morbidity and causes of mortality morbidity and causes of mortality/
morbidity and socioeconomic and morbidity and socioeconomic morbidity and
socioeconomic status. Includes socioeconomic status. Includes socioeconomic
status. Includes community as a status. Includes community as a status. Includes
community as a social support, community as a social support, community as a
social support, community health social support, community health social support,
community health care systems, community health care systems, community health
care systems, economic and care systems, economic and care systems,
economic and environmental economic and environmental economic and
environmental resources. environmental resources. environmental
resources. resources. resources.

points Analysis of Community Needs and Assets: Identifies at least three community health needs/ problems/ assets based upon relevant data from the Windshield Survey. Provides a rational for selection of one need to develop a potential strategy Did not discuss an analysis of the Community Needs and Assets. Did not identify at least three community health needs
/problems/assets based upon relevant data from the Windshield Survey. Did not provide a rational for selection of one need to develop a potential strategy. Discusses an analysis of the Community Needs and Assets. Lacks information on three community health needs
/problems/assets based upon relevant data from the Windshield Survey. Did not provide a rational for selection of one need to develop a potential strategy. Discusses an analysis of the Community Needs and Assets. Did identify one community health need/problem/asset based upon relevant data from the Windshield Survey. Did provide a rational for selection of one need to develop a potential strategy is defined. Discusses a comprehensive analysis of the Community Needs and Assets. Did identify three community health need/problem/asset based upon relevant data from the Windshield Survey. Did provide a rational for selection of one need to develop a potential strategy.

points Describes a potential solution
strategy that Did not describe a potential solution
strategy that Describes a potential solution
strategy that Describes a potential solution strategy that
addresses the needs Provides a comprehensive
discussion on the
addresses the addresses the addresses the and assets of the potential solution
needs and assets needs and assets needs and assets community. Includes strategy and assets
of the of the community. of the community. a discussion on the of the community.
community: The The potential However, the potential solution to Provides clear and
potential solution solution did not potential solution provide a resolution logical detail on
provides a provide a discussed would strategy that is how the potential
resolution resolution strategy not provide a consistent with the solution would
strategy that is that is consistent resolution strategy problem, identifies provide a resolution
consistent with with the problem, that is consistent the resources, strategy that was
the problem, identifies the with the problem, opportunities and based upon the
identifies the resources, identifies the barriers applicable to problem, identified
resources, opportunities and resources, the target population the resources,
opportunities, barriers applicable opportunities and and the strategy had opportunities and
and barriers to the target barriers applicable participation from barriers applicable
applicable to the population, and to the target community leaders, to the target and
target population the strategy lacks population and the cultural/ethnic the strategy with
and the strategy participation from strategy had groups, or those participation from
had participation community participation from affected by the community leaders,
from community leaders, community problem. cultural/ethnic
leaders, cultural/ethnic leaders, groups or those
cultural/ethnic groups or those cultural/ethnic affected by the
groups or those affected by the groups, or those problem.
affected by the problem. affected by the
problem. problem.
points Mechanics Lacks evidence of appropriate use of proper language, grammar, spelling and punctuation of college level writing.
Did not follow APA guidelines. Some evidence of appropriate use of proper language, grammar, spelling, and punctuation of college level writing. Some APA format elements are missing and lack consistency throughout paper. Evidence of appropriate use of proper language, grammar, spelling and punctuation of college level writing. Minimal errors in APA format. Exhibits effective use of proper language, grammar, spelling and punctuation of college level writing. APA format consistently and correctly used throughout paper

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