Posted: November 19th, 2022
Please pick 7 articles with the topic of Social Disorganization Theory and social disorganization indicators of nontraditional family, residential mobility, and poverty on property crimes rates committed by juveniles. While there are many indicators of social disorganization, this paper should focuses on three: nontraditional families, residential mobility, and socioeconomic status (poverty).
I have attached one article which found the topic. You can use this one article. Please find 6 more articles and Write a literature review that is 5-7 pages.
Please discuss:
1-What is the theory and its definitions?
2-What is the historical development of the theory?
3-How do others measure their theory?
4-Findings that are common/contested Important trends in the research and articles.
5-Develop 3 researcch questions.
Draw on the work you did in the proposal (attached) and the APPROVED hypothesis. Also, draw on what you learned in class and other course resources. Use at least 5 peer-reviewed articles and cite them. Respond to each item below. Type your response under each item.
1. What population do you propose to study?
2. What problem do you propose to focus on? (You are implementing an intervention to address something, e.g., depression levels, re-arrest, level of knowledge, etc. State the PROBLEM here.)
3. Describe the problem and provide a background on it, i.e., who does it impact, how many, in what ways, etc. Draw on the literature and cite your sources.
4. What intervention will you use to impact the problem (STATE the intervention and DESCRIBE what it is; JUSTIFY the use of the intervention). Draw on the literature and cite your sources.
5. State your hypothesis (This is a single statement – it ends with a period- you should only have two variables for the purpose of this assignment).
6. Identify your independent variable and your dependent variable.
7. How will you measure the independent variable (observation, group assignment, standardized measure, etc. – for most of you, it is simply that they got the intervention or not)? Note any reliability or validity issues.
8. What level of data is your independent variable (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio)?
9. How will you measure your dependent variable (observation, standardized measure, self-report, etc.)? Note any reliability validity issues/points, i.e., if it’s a standardized measure, what is reported reliability and validity).
10. What level of data is your dependent variable (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio)?
11. What type of sample are you using (e.g., convenience, snowball, etc.)? How will you obtain your sample?
12. What is your research design? (State in words and draw with symbols, i.e., XO)
13. What are the ethical consideration and issues in your study? How will you address them?
14. What are the strengths and limitations of your design? Be sure to consider internal and external validity in your discussion here.
15. Considering your level of data for each variable, develop your data analysis plan:
What univariate descriptive statistics will you use for your independent variable?
What univariate descriptive statistics will you use for your dependent variable?
What bivariate statistics will you use to test your hypothesis?
16. What are the limitations of your study?
17. Describe how you will ensure that your intervention is being carried out as planned; how will you monitor and evaluate the intervention, processes, and outcomes?
18. Describe how the findings from your evaluation study could be used to improve micro, mezzo, or macro social work practice if you were actually to carry it out.