Posted: March 2nd, 2022
5.3 Socio-cultural Contexts
Chapter 5 Reading Guide
5.3 Socio-cultural Contexts
Directions: As you complete your textbook readings, respond to the questions below in the spaces provided. Sentence fragments are fine. Aim to summarize the main idea introduced in your readings in short phrases. Where specific artworks are listed, describe how this artwork reflects the main topic/theme in introduced in that section. For example, how does Spencer’s Conversation Piece reflect the social context of its time?
5.3.1 – Historical Context
What is a still life? What is genre painting?
What are major, cultural events that impacted painting in late 15th and early 16th century in the Netherlands?
What can the historical context let us know about 15th/16th century still life painting?
5.3.2 – Social Context
Figure 5.3 Lilly Martin Spencer, Conversation Piece
5.3.3 – Personal or Creative Narrative Context
Figure 5.5 Charles Demuth, The Figure 5 in Gold
Georgia O’Keeffe, Cow’s Skull: Red, White, and Blue, 1931 (follow link)
5.3.4 – Political Context
Figure 5.6 Bamboo and Rocks, Li Kan (1318), China
Figure 5.7 Francisco Goya, “The Disasters of War”, 82 etchings, Y no hai Remedio,
5.3.5 – Scientific Context
What is the golden ratio?
Leonardo Da Vinci: investigation of human anatomy
How did the invention of photography impact art and society?
5.4 Symbolism and Iconography
5.4.1 – Changes in Meaning of Symbols and Iconography
What is symbolism?
What is a symbol?
What is iconography?
What can a cross symbolize?
What can a swastika represent?
5.4.2 – Symbolism, Iconography, and Visual Literacy
What is visual literacy?
What impact does visual literacy have on your understanding of images?
Ritual Vase from Warka, 3200 – 3000 BCE, present-day Iraq (follow link)
5.4.3 – Symbolism and Iconography in Mythology and Storytelling
Identify two symbols and their meanings in the Merode Altarpiece. Figure 5.25
What are motifs? Give an example from your readings.