Posted: October 24th, 2022
1.) Instructions for the new Project
2.) Full article Template
3.) Methodology Template (Just a Template for you to follow) (This is the same template for the previous Project you did for me) Just follow the structure
4.) Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Final Research (this is the project you did for me. Maybe you can use it for your aid)
5.) Finding Impact of social Media in Student’s lives (this is the survey question we asked the students
6.) This is the data that we collected from the students. This data needs to be coded and decoded and then you will need to make sense of it and use it to write the result section
These are all the articles that talk about the narrative Inquiry.
We need to use 5-7 sources to write the methodology. Please refer to your previous work maybe you will find something useful.
Instructions for the New Project.
This is also a research project. This time my focus is on the Impact of social media on the college students. This is a project for my SCI 420 (Teaching Science in a social context) class.
Step I: I will need at least 15 peer reviewed sources for this. Find peer reviewed articles that have already said something about this topic. All the Citations should be APA 7.
Step 2: these are different parts of the paper
I. Abstract: Needs to be between 100 to 150 words. It is an introduction. It is a quick snapshot of what the article is about.
Format: This article examines….. (100 –150 words that summarizes your research questions, methods, and overall results).
In the end, Keyword: (3-5 words someone would search for to find your article: social media, Impact of Social Media, Students and Social Media, etc)
II. Title (centered): title should start with “Impact of Social Media on College Students: _______Keyterms from your article.”
Introduction: Introduction needs to be interesting to grab reader’s attention. There is no specific length requirement but use your judgement.
III. Literature Review: Literature Review is the major section of the research. It is where we need at least 15 peer reviewed sources. This section will talk about the conversation that is going on at the moment. What are the thing being talked about. What are the risks? What are the benefits? What are the ways to make it work in our favor? This section is the most important part of the research and should be carefully reviewed. All sources must be cited with APA 7 format. I would say the length of this section should be somewhere between 1400 to 1800 words.
IV. Methodology: It is recommended that you complete the Methodology section after the next section, the result section, so we will come back to Methodology.
V. Result Section: This is also an important section. In the result section we created a survey and sent out to students in different class. We also asked our teacher to send the survey to her class. Also, we asked our peers to take the survey in the same class we are assigned this research project.
I have the results from the survey in a Excel document. So, we need to make thematic codes from all the data that we have collected. Make codes, decode and make a theme from all the code that makes meaning to us.
Then after coding, decoding and making themes from the data we have collected we will write the result section using the narrative inquiry.
I have also sent you folders of articles that just talk about narrative inquiry. Please check them out because you will need to define the type of inquiry you use in the Methodology section. Why you used the specific type of inquiry and cite the articles from these folders. Just maybe 5-7 citations.
VI. Methodology section: Coming back to Methodology section.
This section is also Important.
Methodology is which explains the method. The difference between method and methodology is that methodology is a critical perspective of what we are doing, while methods are the procedures in which we do.
Since this is not a methodology class, we will be using a methodology template. Please check out the methodology template in the methodology folder.
Step 1: This section exists but you will not label it.
Explain why you chose the topic. Why is this topic important to you?
You would start by saying that you are a student SCI 420 Course, which is Teaching Science in a Social Context course. Then Why you chose this topic, and why is this topic important to you. Explain that it was an assignment for the SCI 420 course, which is a Teaching Science in Social Context course.
1st Subheading: Participants: In this section, you will describe who your participants are. I sent out my survey to the students at Saint Cloud State university. So, the participants are college students who use social media. Participants were selected randomly and represent the student population of the university. Randomly selected participants are pre-dominantly white. Majority of them are females. And majority are traditional students in the age group 16-20.
2nd Subheading: Data Collection: The data was collected by sending out the survey to different classes, peers from the same class and friends going to the Saint Cloud State University. We also asked our professor to send out the survey to their Class. A total of 106 survey data have been collected for this research paper.
Also, say the data collected from the survey was analyzed and then coded looking for similar codes and decoded to form themes.
3rd Subheading: Critical Lens/ Inquiries (Insert name of the Inquiry used (in this case narrative inquiry)
This section should include 5-7 sources. The sources would be in the folder named as narrative Inquiry.
Princess Huddah, you have written a similar research paper for me using the narrative inquiry. I have also included that in the folder named as “Previous Research.” Maybe you can take something from there for this part.
Finally, End paragraph of Methodology (no heading)
In 1-2 sentences say, (The study was monitored by the professor of Teaching Science in Social Context Course. Survey was sent out to students at Saint Cloud State University to analyze how social media impacts their lives.
VII. Discussion (the final part):
For this part, you will take all the pieces that you have found so far. All the research, all the literature review, all of your data and the result of your data, and then pull it together to create the discussion. The discussion has to show what exactly you have done and why it matters moving forward.
Discussion elements:
1.) What are the big takeaways from the data? What does it mean? How is it significant in the current discussion?
2.) What significance does your data/research have in relation to education?
3.) Where should you go from here? What is the next step/research needed as we move forward?
4.) What are the final thoughts/end to your research: The discussion is the last section of the article, so it is also the conclusion.
The last paragraph of your discussion is the end of the article, it is the conclusion so, what are you leaving us with and what are those final thoughts that you really want to hit home for your readers.