Posted: October 20th, 2022
You have chosen to pursue a career in health care and have enrolled in the BSHA program. Your program aligns to 2 industry organizations: Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE). If you choose to join 1 or both of these organizations, the instructions are in the Week 2 Learning Activities folder.
For this discussion, please choose 1 of the following organizations to explore:
• HIMSS Foundation and HIMSS TV
Explore your chosen organization’s website for resources you may use throughout your program as you pursue your career.
1. What are specific resources you found interesting or helpful on the website? Why?
2. If the organization offers scholarships, which would you qualify for or be interested in pursuing in the future?
3. How does the information you found within the organization’s website assist you throughout your BSHA program? Explain your answer.