Posted: October 20th, 2022
You are required to make a video with a partner using Motivational Interviewing techniques and therapeutic communication skills. You will need to reflect on the video and gain feedback from your partner before attending an oral exam to show the video and discuss your reflection.
Due date:
Length and/or format:
Learning outcomes assessed:
How to submit: Return of assignment:
Assessment criteria: Task:
The Oral Assessment will be in the examination weeks. Students will be allocated through Central Examinations or the Lecture in Charge an appointed day and time to attend the Oral Assessment. Your video must be submitted via LEO as an ECHO360 capture into the LEO dropbox (your state/campus) prior to October 26th by 1600 hours (4pm)
1. 5-minute video made with a partner from this unit
The aim of this assessment is to reflect on and evaluate your use of therapeutic communication skills and motivational interviewing techniques learnt over the course of the semester.
Appendix D
Assessment 3 Reflection template
Simple reflections are short statements that reflect the content or emotion of what was said in an interaction. You can then use these to analyse and reflect more deeply on your practice.
Choose and record some elements and aspects of your interview that are noteworthy and then use them to reflect on your practice. The aim is to improve your Motivational Interviewing techniques, therapeutic communication skills and clinical interviewing practices.
Describe, examine, analyse, and then tell the examiner what you have learnt from this assessment task and reflective practices. The more thorough and comprehensive the details you can tell the examiner, including highlighting your critical thinking and reflective skills, the higher the possible grade you might receive.
My reflection:
I asked my patient/client:
1. What did I do well when conducting an interview with you?
2. What did I not do so well?
3. Did anything distract you, annoy you or make you feel bad or unsupported in the interview?
4. What could I improve on in my practice?
I asked myself and reflected on my own practice including:
1. What areas of motivational interviewing did I utilise in this interview effectively?
2. Did I use multiple motivational interviewing techniques or just a few? Which ones?
3. Did I use therapeutic communication skills? Can I identify what they are and how they impacted positively or negatively on the interaction?
4. What areas was I not so good at or forgot to use? Did anything have a negative impact on the patient/client?
5. How can I improve my skills in MI and therapeutic communication for enhanced outcomes the next time I interview a patient/client?
6. Did I understand the needs of my chosen case study and was I effective in helping them with their issues? Explain.
7. Did I understand what stage of the Transtheoretical Model of Change the patient/client was at?
8. What reflections did I make about my own performance as the healthcare professional?
9. What feedback did I receive from my patient/client about how I performed and how did I reflect on this feedback? What ideas and solutions did I come up with after hearing what they had to say?