Posted: October 16th, 2022
Power of the People VIRTUAL SEMINAR (10%)
TASK: Create a 3-minute video breaking down a social movement of your choice informing your
classmates about the movement and the social change it affected.
1. Choose a movement you are interested in: it can be contemporary or historical.
2. Research your movement and from your research create a 3-minute video that meets
the following requirements:
★ Teaching the class:
❏ Informs the class about your chosen topic – teach them as if they have no prior
knowledge whatsoever
❏ Identify the 4 stages of social movements as it applies to your movement
(include a slide that goes through the 4 stages)
❏ Identify if/how the movement has contributed to social change
❏ Include high-quality visual elements to
❏ Upload 3-minute MAX video to discussion board
❏ Include Reference Page
Stages of Social Movements Recap:
● Perception that something is wrong
● Defining itself and “going public”
● Organizing rationally to get the job done
Stage Four: DECLINE
● Is the movement in need of regrouping or is it simply time for demise?
Power of the Peo0ple EVALUATION /50 marks
KNOWLEDGE of Social Movement
Your presentation demonstrates a superior level of knowledge about the social movement of
your choice. You clearly demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the subject in the way you
present information to others. Your high level of knowledge is readily visible through the work
you have created and shows a deep understanding of the pertinent information relating to
your social movement.
THINKING – Stages of Social Movements
Your analysis of the stages of social movements demonstrates that you have applied a high
level of thinking to analyze your social movement. Connections between ideas, concepts and
their impacts are evident in your work. You are also able to synthesize ideas based on your
research to identify the most important information.
COMMUNICATION and Clarity of Ideas (slides & spoken)
Your slides and information are well organized, clear and error-free. Your peers are easily
able to understand what you are saying and what you mean. Appropriate and meaningful
images/video clips are included to enhance your peers’ understanding of the movement. You
are able to lead a clear, meaningful teaching experience about the movement you have chosen.
Research and References
You include in-text citations on your slides for information that needs to be cited using APA
Format. You use the correct format and an appropriate amount of citations. You have a
references slide at the end of your presentation that includes all the sources you conducted in
perfect APA format.