Posted: October 16th, 2022
Here is the criteria for how the assignments will be evaluated.
Details of the individual assignments are provided with each
Criteria for Evaluating Assignments
The following criteria will be used to evaluate the essay portion of
the written assignments.
Substance (75 per cent)
• The essay provides evidence of critical thinking and analysis
as well as synthesis of researched information throughout and
presents a logical and persuasive argument.
• The essay incorporates concepts and associated terms on the
science of climate change that were introduced in this module.
• Research sources are relevant, current, and credible. They are
clearly documented in the paper.
• The introduction offers a sense of direction for the paper and
presents a clear thesis statement to the reader.
• The body develops the necessary aspects of the main idea
and provides examples, support, or illustration for each aspect
of the main idea.
• The conclusion summarizes the main points and ties them to
the thesis; it also presents an impact statement and/or
suggests direction for future research.
Writing Style and Format (25 per cent)
• Paragraphs are unified, developed, and coherent, with
transitions between ideas.
• Sentences are grammatically correct; words are chosen for
accuracy and impact.
• The writing follows the conventions of spelling and mechanics
(punctuation, etc.).
• The format follows the APA documentation style accurately
and consistently.
How Assignments Are Marked
Some students believe they start with 100 marks on a given
assignment and lose a mark for each mistake. This is not true. An
assignment is judged not only on how well a student avoids
grievous errors, but also on what original and worthwhile content
and expression a student brings to the assignment. In marking your
work for this course, your Open Learning Faculty Member will
assess your ability to analyze the essay topic and develop and
present a logical, persuasive, and insightful argument that is well
supported by citing relevant, current, and credible sources. Your
essay also demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the
material covered in the course module, and your writing is clear,
concise, and grammatically correct and includes proper format and
citations. A first-class, or “A,” paper (80–100 per cent) will meet this
criteria, and all lesser grades miss at least one of the ingredients
just described.
The following guidelines may help you set standards for your
assignments and interpret the marks you receive for them.
80% and above:
A first-class paper (A+/A/A-) exhibits excellence in style,
demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the course
material, and provides evidence of critical thinking and analysis as
well as synthesis of well-researched information throughout. It
shows originality and insightfulness, and is written in clear, fluent,
and technically correct prose. References are properly and
consistently cited and recorded using APA Style.
A second-class paper (B+/B/B-) represents solid, above-average
competence and achievement. In an essay of this quality, the ideas
are sound, convincingly substantiated, and show some originality; in
an otherwise strong discussion, expression might be inconsistent,
incomplete in the use of evidence, or display minor weaknesses in
A paper at this level (C+/C/C-) is of average competence and
demonstrates a satisfactory but incomplete grasp of course and/or
research material; ideas might not be fully developed or might tend
toward vagueness, or the argument might exhibit problems in
expression, organization, style, or mechanics.
A paper at this level (D range) indicates a weak or barely adequate
understanding and use of the course and research material;
organization and substantiation of argument might be deficient, or
the discussion might be flawed by basic writing errors or problems
in expression. A grade at this level warns that more energy and
effort are needed.
Below 50%:
A grade at this level is a fail and indicates that the assignment is
unsatisfactory either in content or expression (or both) and that it
does not demonstrate a satisfactory understanding of the course
material. However, a student who fails a first assignment should not
abandon the course. The Open Learning Faculty Member’s
comments should be read carefully. Please feel free to contact your
Open Learning Faculty Member if you have any questions. At this
point, the student may wish to continue, or may choose to switch to
a course more appropriate to his or her present level.
Critical Reflections
The following criteria will be used to evaluate the short critical
reflections submitted as part of the written assignments:
Criteria Weighting
The critical reflection includes a succinct summary of
the required reading and demonstrates an
understanding of the key points in the reading.
The critical reflection also includes a thoughtful,
insightful commentary in response to what was read.
The commentary demonstrates an engagement with
the reading and is the interaction between the ideas
in the reading and the student’s own interpretation/
The critical reflection is a polished piece of writing,
written in clear, fluent, and technically correct prose.
(Note that the writing is less formal than an essay, so
you may write in the first person.)