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Posted: October 16th, 2022

Week 5Assignment: Research Summary

Summary of Research

How does the balance of work and personal life, compared to not having a balance of work and personal life, affect burnout and fatigue in primary care nurse practitioners between the ages of 20 and 35?

Quantitative studies show that primary healthcare workers in Portugal have different levels of burnout and different health conditions.

Author/Title/Year (in APA format): Ferreira et al (2021).

Self-assessed health and the severity of burnout are two problems that are related to PICOT.

The goal was to find out what factors affect individual health and burnout, the different types of health care units in urbanized and non-urbanized areas, and the differences between nurses and GPs in those areas.

9 094 professionals in 1212 primary care healthcare settings made up the sample.

Quantitative study was used to collect the data.

Major Results and Conclusions: Burnout rates were lower when people had better health and well-being. Because of health units and regional locations, nurses in worse health were more likely to feel burned out. Health burnout was not linked to living in a city.

Contribution to the Literature Review:

At the unit level and the regional administrative level, the organization recommends a set of policies to improve the well-being of healthcare workers, such as making them happier at work and giving them more money.

QUALITATIVE STUDIES: How primary care nurse practitioners feel about their jobs and how people see the quality of care they give.

Author/Title/Year (in APA format): Abraham et al (2021).

Problem related to PICOT: the relationship between primary care NP burnout and the practice environment

The goal of this study is to find out if NPs who are burned out are less likely to think they are giving good care and if the practice environment affects the link between burnout and perceptions of care quality.

Sample: Of the 396 NPs, 90.4% are women, 89.4% are white, 87.6% have master’s degrees, and the average number of years of experience is 11.4.

Cross-sectional surveys are used to collect data.

Key Findings/Themes: 85% of NPs experience burnout, which is a strong predictor of lower perceptions of care quality by 25% of those who think it is high quality.

Contribution to the Literature Review:

Nurse burnout is linked to a lower perception of quality care. This is because emotional exhaustion makes nurses more likely to think that patient care isn’t good.

QUANTITATIVE STUDIES (use these headings for each quantitative study): Are human resource practices the key to stopping New Zealand nurses from getting burned out on their jobs?

Haar, Mowat, and the year (in APA format): (2022).

Problem with PICOT: Job burnout is a problem for everyone, but it’s especially common in the nursing field because of health pressures caused by not having a good balance between work and life roles and keeping work meaningful.

The goal is to find out if human resources practices give nurses more meaningful work, which can lead to a better work-life balance and less job burnout.

Sample/Population: A path model was used to test 114 New Zealand nurses to find out how much job burnout and human resources practices affected them.

Cross-sectional data is a type of data collection.

Major Findings/Conclusions: Human resources practices have a positive effect on finding meaning in life and work and finding a good balance between the two. Meaningful work affects the balance between work and life, but it makes people more cynical. Work-life balance is linked to emotional exhaustion and cynicism in a bad way.

Contribution to Review of the Literature: Human resources improve work factors like balancing work and life, having meaningful work that reduces job burnout, stops exhaustion and subsequent absenteeism, and improves performance and long-term employment.

QUALITATIVE STUDIES (use these headings for each qualitative study): Experiences of compassion fatigue in direct care nurses: a qualitative systematic review

Author/Title/Year (in APA format): Salmond et al (2019.)

Problem with PICOT: Compassion fatigue is caused by the demands of experiences and helping others that add up over time. Nurses get compassion fatigue, which causes them to have emotional and physical symptoms and lose touch with their patients and other people.

The goal is to describe how direct care nurses deal with work-related compassion fatigue.

Sample: 821 total nurse participants.

A qualitative systematic review was used to collect the data.

Key Results and Themes: There are a lot of social and psychological stressors in the nursing field that can lead to compassion fatigue. Stress protection in nursing helps people deal with things that cause stress. Awareness of compassion fatigue, including compassion fatigue, is very important, and people need to find a balance between work and self-care.

Contribution to Review of the Literature: Preventing compassion fatigue is very important, and it should be managed on a personal and organizational level by putting in place coping strategies and adaptive responses that help nurses stay balanced, refreshed, and able to continue to care and be compassionate.

MIXED-METHODS STUDIES (use these headings for each mixed-methods study): Striking a Balance Between Work and Play: The Effects of Work–Life Interference and Burnout on Faculty Turnover Intentions and Job Satisfaction

Author/Title/Year (in APA format): Boamah et al (2022)

Problem with PICOT: The relationship between personal life and work is important for well-being, and an imbalance between the two can lead to work-related burnout and bad physical and mental health.

The goal is to look at how work-related problems affect nursing faculty burnout, such as emotional exhaustion and cynicism, plans to leave their jobs, and job satisfaction.

Sample of 645 people: 93.6% are women, 83.1% are white, and 68.7% are faculty members who are married.

A predictive cross-sectional design is used to collect the data.

Key Results, Themes, and Conclusions: Work-life interference clearly increases burnout, which leads to earlier plans to leave a job, lower job satisfaction, and less job satisfaction overall.

Contribution to Review of the Literature: Organizations need to come up with interventions and policies to reduce the risk of burnout and make it easier for people to stay with the company.

MIXED-METHODS STUDIES (use these headings for each mixed-methods study): Factors that lead to burnout and a good balance between work and life in adult oncology nursing

(In APA format, this is: Gribben & Semple, 2021).

Problems related to PICOT: Oncology nurses often deal with work-related stress and burnout, which is caused by the specialty’s inherent challenges and complexity. Because of this, it’s important to understand what causes burnout and improve work-life balance.

Purpose: To put together all the facts about burnout and balancing work and life for adult oncology nurses.

Sample: The integrative review looked at 20 different studies.

Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool is a way to collect data.

Key Results, Themes, and Conclusions: Adult oncology nurses face a lot of problems in the healthcare system, such as a lack of resources, more work, political restrictions, and a lack of staff. Because of this, it is important to deal with nurse burnout and promote their health by sharing responsibility with their organizations.

Contribution to the Literature Review:

To deal with burnout, it’s important to promote wellness by sharing the load. On an individual level, it’s important to know how to spot signs of burnout, how to deal with stress, and how to build good relationships with other teams. Organizationally, it’s important to build the capacity of the workforce by promoting a culture of wellness at work that regularly includes both preventative and therapeutic wellness.

META-ANALYSIS STUDIES What is known about burnout among pediatric nurses? A review of the scope

Author/Title/Year (in APA format): Buckley et al (2020).

Problem with PICOT, which is the Study of burnout in healthcare workers and how it affects each individual provider.

The goal is to find out what is known about pediatric nurse burnout in highly specialized groups so that pediatric nursing and patient health can be improved.

1206 articles were looked at to see if they were eligible, and 78 articles with samples of 3710 pediatric nurses were found to be relevant.

The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines are used to choose how to search.

Meta-Analysis Model: A systematic review of quantitative synthesis

Consistency and variation between studies: Moderate scores showed that pediatric nurses had a high level of burnout, and personal accomplishment was a factor that made people more resilient. In healthcare, burnout is affected by age, number of years on the job, and level of education. Job requirements and resources led to more burnout, conflicts between work and personal life, plans to quit, and psychosomatic complaints. Burnout was the opposite of optimism, self-efficiency, resilience, and positive coping strategies. Mental health problems like depression and anxiety are linked to having more burnout at work.

Summary of What We Found:

Using nurses’ feedback can help reduce and prevent nurse burnout by taking into account personal factors, the work environment, attitudes at work, and the results of work. There needs to be a mix of methods used to improve nurses’ burnout, well-being, and care for their patients.

META-ANALYSIS STUDIES (use these headings for each meta-analysis study): Systematic review of the link between nurse burnout, patient outcomes, and organizational outcomes

Author/Title/Year (in APA format): Jun et al (2021).

Problem with PICOT: Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion, less personal accomplishment, and depersonalization, which puts nurses’ health and well-being at risk.

Purpose: Evaluate the relationship between nurses’ burnout and both their patients and the organizations they work for by analyzing the current research.

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses is a way to choose what to search for.

Systematic review is a type of meta-analysis.

Consistency and Variation of Studies: Twenty studies were looked at on four themes: patient safety, nurse productivity, nurses’ organizational outcomes, and quality of care.

Summary of Findings: Burnout is a risk of the job for nurses and organizations. It makes safety worse, makes patients less happy, and makes nurses less committed and productive.

META-ANALYSIS STUDIES (use these headings for each meta-analysis study): Compassion fatigue in people who work in health care.

Author/Title/Year (in APA format): Cavanagh et al (2019).

Problem with PICOT: Compassion fatigue is not the same as burnout, and it has a big effect on both the health and effectiveness of healthcare workers and the care they give to patients.

The goal is to find out how common compassion fatigue is among health care workers and predict the risk of it based on demographic factors.

Quantitative and qualitative data are used to choose how to search.

A systematic review and a meta-analysis make up the Meta-Analysis Model.

Consistency and Variation: 71 articles were looked at. Many people who work in health care experience compassion fatigue, which can cause a lot of mental and emotional stress and have serious effects on practice and the workforce. The constant use of empathy and emotional energy, the work environment, and long-term exposure to secondary trauma can all lead to compassion.

Summary of Findings: Work strategies and programs need to be suggested to promote wellness, self-care, and more social and managerial support. Creating educational programs can reduce the frequency and severity of compassion fatigue.

META-ANALYSIS STUDIES (use these headings for each meta-analysis study): Striking a balance: how health care providers have helped older people get care at home that is patient-centered.

Author/Title/Year (in APA format): Olsen et al (2019).

Problem with PICOT: Patient-centered care (PCC) makes it hard for older people to get care at home. The balance of power between a patient and their healthcare provider is a big problem that has a lot to do with the patient’s autonomy and sense of empowerment.

The goal is to put together what has been learned from research about providing PCC in a home setting.

Meta-ethnography is a way to choose what to search for.

A meta-synthesis of qualitative studies is what the Meta-Analysis Model is.

Consistency and Variation of Studies: The main theme is “being a balance artist” to include healthcare providers’ experiences with competing responsibilities. There needs to be a balance between what older patients want and what professionals expect, so that stress and fatigue are kept to a minimum and PCC can continue.

Summary of What We Found: Providers of health care talk about the organizational factors that affect PCC. In order to expand PCC, healthcare providers need to be encouraged and helped to do things outside of clinical encounters.


Abraham, C. M., Zheng, K., Norful, A. A., Ghaffari, A., Liu, J., & Poghosyan, L. (2021, July). Burnout among primary care nurse practitioners and how people see the quality of care they give. At the Nursing Forum (Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 550-559). https://doi.org/10.1111%2Fnuf.12579

Boamah, S. A., Hamadi, H. Y., Havaei, F., Smith, H., & Webb, F. (2022). Striking a Balance Between Work and Play: The Effects of Work–Life Interference and Burnout on Faculty Turnover Intentions and Job Satisfaction. 809 is the 19(2) number of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19020809

Buckley, L., Berta, W., Cleverley, K., Medeiros, C., & Widger, K. (2020). A scoping review of what is known about pediatric nurse burnout. Human Resources for Health, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 1–23 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12960-020-0451-8

Cavanagh, N., Cockett, G., Heinrich, C., Doig, L., Fiest, K., Guichon, J. R., & Doig, C. J. (2020). A systematic review and meta-analysis of caregiver burnout in health care workers. Nursing Ethics, 27(3), pages 639-665. https://doi.org/10.1177/0969733019889400

Ferreira, P. L., Raposo, V., Tavares, A. I., & Pinto, A. (2021). Different primary healthcare workers in Portugal have different levels of burnout and different health conditions. BMC Family Practice, 22(1), pp. 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1186%2Fs12875-021-01425-9

Gribben, L., & Semple, C. J. (2021). An integrative review of the factors that lead to burnout and a good balance between work and life in adult oncology nursing. 50:101887 in European Journal of Oncology Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejon.2020.101887

Haar, J., & Mowat, R. M. (2022). Are human resource practices the key to stopping New Zealand nurses from getting burned out on their jobs? Testing a model of a path. 31(17-18):2574-2583 in Journal of Clinical Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.16077

Jun, J., Ojemeni, M. M., Kalamani, R., Tong, J., & Crecelius, M. L. (2021). Systematic review of the relationship between nurse burnout and the outcomes for patients and the organization. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 119, 103933.

Olsen, C. F., Bergland, A., Debesay, J., Bye, A., & Langaas, A. G. (2019). A meta-synthesis of qualitative studies called “Striking a Balance” looked at the experiences of health care providers with home-based, patient-centered care for older people. Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 102(11), 1991–2000. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2019.05.017

Salmond, E., S. Salmond, M. Ames, M. Kamienski, C. Holly, and E. Salmond (2019). A qualitative systematic review of direct care nurses’ experiences of compassion fatigue. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 17(5), 682–753. DOI: 10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003818

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