Posted: October 13th, 2022
I am in need of 2 Case Reports (not case study), each are 5 pages long with only 1 page dedicated to references, for each (6 pages total per paper). There are specific requirements per paper as in regards to formatting. Needs to have specific header (which I have already provided), times new roman font, size 10 font, justified, and double spaced. Headers within the paper should be all in capitalized and bold font (also size 10 new roman font). These case reports are for a veterinary technician specialty in emergency and critical care application. These case reports are on cases of patients I have personally had been involved with. One case, the patient is named “Toby” and the second case is “GraceSea”. I have provided some information on their case. I have also provided 2 previous case report examples, that were considered “good” by the organization, as reference to your writing/formatting. I have also provided detailed instructions /requirements from the organization in regards to the case reports (labeled 2023 AVECCTN Part B Application instructions). Please disregard the information about case logs, skills list, abbreviations list, and online form submissions, for those are a separate manner. I have started a rough draft, on each paper, in which you can edit/add to. I would like the paper to be in Microsoft Word document. As for references, would need to be in APA format, and you can use unlimited resources (professional/peer-reviewed sources only), but should have multiple resoucres (in regards for referencing blood values, pathophysiology, etc) My Case report would need to include the signalment of the patient, any recent patient history, presenting complaint, physical exam, initial interventions, further interventions, bloodwork, treatments, and medications given, and outcome. There should be a case discussion explaining the pathophysiologies, concerns, and why certain treatments/medications were done. reference ranges should be provided for vitals and lab work (both patients are canine) and the importance of those in relation to the case. I can be available for any specific questions, more information/documentation, or if anything needs to be clarified if you need to contact me. All resources and information should solely come from veterinary medicine (not human medicine). All medications listed ONLY in their generic names (no trade names!), and dosages for medications should be in mg/kg or in similar format (ex. mcg/kg/min, ml,kg/day, etc). Again if you have any questions or need any other supplemental information please feel free to contact me, and feel free to use the document of my prelimary rough drafts to continue/edit/add, to the document. The documents in which I have provided on the patients may not always have the accurate dates/times posted on the bloodwork** (values that were entered into the software vs labwork scanned).