Posted: May 15th, 2022
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Research Topic Proposal
Research Proposal (1-2 pages) — 15% (due Module 3) The research proposal requires you to select a topic in criminology and provide an overview of the topic and a research plan. The research proposal will serve as a foundation for the next two assignments (literature review and study design). For this assignment. you have the flexibility to choose a topic that is of interest to you. Ideally, you will pick a topic (e.g.. policing) and then focus in on a particular area within that topic. The goal with this assignment is to identify an area that requires further investigation. For example. if I were to select policing as my topic of choice. I would narrow my search to something that most interests me and is a public and’or social issue. Let’s say I settle on police body cameras. For the purposes of this assignment. I would then provide an overview of this area and identify what we know and we do not know (or what we need to know more about). In doing so. I would develop research questions to help guide what I am interested in finding out. The research questions would be helpful in determining what types of methods I would employ. how I would go about conducting the study more generally. and other considerations like ethics and data collection. This is the goal for the research topic proposal. You are essentially proposing a study that you would want to conduct and briefly providing an overview of the main components of how you would accomplish this. The research proposal portion should be succinct and only cover 1-2 pages in length. The second part of this assignment requires you to provide an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a bibliography that gives a summary of each of the sources used. The purpose of annotations is to provide the reader with a summary and an evaluation of each source. For this assignment. you are required to use at least five academic sources (i.e.. scholarly peer-reviewed sources). These sources should be used in identifying the research area of choice (e.g.. what the research tells you about the topic) and be useful for you going forward (e.g.. used in the literature review assignment). In this portion of the assignment. you will provide a list of five academic sources you used. and each source should be accompanied by a brief (2-3 sentence) summary of the article or book. This section should only be 0.5-1 page in length (you can single space this section if desired). Be sure that your entries follow the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. A useful guide to APA citation style can be found at: ting,,wl.purduesskinwlicscarch _and .ratautmapa_styla_apay.tormaugensral,timiutinnit.
The research topic proposal should be a maximum of three-pages in length (12-point standard font, double-spaced. one-inch margins). This maximum is inclusive of your annotated bibliography (though. you can single-space the annotated bibliography section). The research topic proposal should also include a title page that provides your name, student number. and topic choice. Annotated Biblioaravhs Example References: bitps://owl.purdu, ,du rill genci.,1_•riting 1:0111111011_1% ntingssmvintents annotated_bibliographics(aun otataLbibitograph) hups:’ library.concordla,0 help ii ntmg annotdtcd-hbliovaph php