Posted: September 8th, 2022
Human Resource Management homework help
Reply to the below post in 300-400 words. The reply must include at least 3 scholarly sources (published within the last 5 years) in addition to the course textbook (attached) and relevant biblical integration. All citations and references must be in the current APA format. Do not repeat the same sources as the original post, use of the text, or Biblical integration.
As the global economy gets more complicated and changes all the time, it is important for managers to have more freedom so they can adapt quickly. But it can be too much for a manager to be in charge of hiring, evaluating, and paying subordinates on their own. Managers tend to have more say in hiring decisions in organizations that are decentralized and have a more horizontal structure than ones that are more vertical and centralized. This lets decentralized organizations search for the best candidates instead of having a corporate team hire someone without consulting the manager who will be in charge of the worker (McMichael, 2022). When a manager is given the freedom to choose his or her own employees, smaller teams are more cohesive and can work well together. When an HR professional works with a manager, the manager can make better decisions about who to hire. Walgreens, for example, puts an HR professional with each of its functional managers to make sure that the company’s hiring practices and decisions are good (Noe et al., 2023).
There are many reasons why a manager might want to hire his or her own workers or want to have a say in how much those workers get paid. One reason is that there are more and more recruiting firms that hire people for other companies but have their own goals. When an outside hiring agency helps a company find a new employee, the emotional connection and personality similarities between a manager and his or her team may not be taken into account. Some managers think that in order for their team to work well as a whole, they should be able to choose who can join it. There is an argument for giving managers more freedom to choose their employees. This is mostly because small teams can have problems with personalities and getting along, which can lead to unproductive behavior and low morale. Depending on the job, it may be easier for companies to let outside sources choose potential candidates. Since remote work is becoming more common, so is the practice of hiring from outside sources. “The job of hiring and recruiting has been destroyed. Korn Ferry research shows that about 40% of U.S. companies have hired recruitment process outsourcers to handle most or all of the hiring process (Capelli, 2021, para. 3).
While allowing managers to hire employees sounds like a great idea in some situations, allowing managers the autonomy to compensate their employees may not produce the best results. When an employee hasn’t done well for a quarter, managers can sometimes make decisions based on how they feel. If that manager was allowed to pay his or her employees, it could cause pay differences between departments. Having someone in the company’s executive level or the Human Resources Department decide on pay makes it possible for everyone to get paid fairly. This keeps employees from having to deal with the amount of power that may be given to unhappy managers. No matter what a company decides about the freedom of its managers, Christians should always treat others with fairness and respect in business and in life. God’s word says, “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31, New King James Version Bible, 1971/1995).
Capelli, P. (2021, November 23). Your approach to hiring is all wrong. Harvard Business
Review. Retrieved September 4, 2022, from
McMichael, E. (2022, January 28). Improve hiring agility with a decentralized recruitment
model. iCIMS. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
decentralized-recruitment- (Links to an external site.)
model/#:~:text=A%20decentralized%20recruitment%20model%20moves,even%20take%2 (Links to an external site.)
0a%20hybrid%20approach. (Links to an external site.)
New King James Version Bible. (1995). (Links to an external site.)(Original work published
Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B. A., & Wright, P. M. (2023). Human Resource
Management: Gaining a competitive advantage. McGraw-Hill.