Posted: December 16th, 2022
4 questions on 4 philosophies of punishment | corrections | Valencia College
Format Instructions
o Please use Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins all around.
o Each answer should be approx. 1.5 pages in length.
o Be sure to cite the source of any quoted material or exact ideas drawn directly from a particular author/article. This should be done sparingly, however. If you are speaking generically about a topic and using your own words, based on ideas/information you have gleaned from the readings as a whole, there is no need to cite the author or page.
Question #1
Compare and contrast the assumptions associated with the philosophies of deterrence and rehabilitation.
Question #2
Compare and contrast th e assumptions associated with the philosophies of retribution and incapacitation.
Question #3
Discuss the criticisms associated with each of the 4 philosophies. Then discuss which philosophy or rather purpose/justification of punishment you believe is superior and why?
Question #4
What are the core arguments underlying legal and philosophical debates on the definition/meaning of punishment and why are they important to justice policy and practice? In other words, what are the practical implications of these debates for individuals, offenders, and society; how have these debates impacted the real world?