Posted: March 17th, 2023
4-6 page writing assignment due in 12hours******
This assignment requires you to watch the PBS documentary, The Madoff Affair, found in Module 2, and select an individual involved in the scandal that was faced with an ethical dilemma to analyze. Please incorporate the steps of the Framework for Ethical Decision Making into your analysis and recommendations for how you they resolve their ethical dilemma. Your paper should be 4 to 6 pages (not including the title page or reference page) in length and include a minimum of 5 quality references in addition to the textbook and the case. Formatting for all assignments:
- Includes separate Title Page including: assignment, full name, date due
- Includes separate Reference Page
- Style will follow the APA, 7th edition guidelines for a student paper
- Includes double-spaced, 12 point, times new roman font
- Includes one inch margin on all sides
- Appropriate professional grammar, spelling, sentence structure and punctuation will be important.
- Document must be uploaded to Blackboard as MSWord (.doc or. docx) file or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file.