Posted: November 19th, 2022
4-5 page paper
TOPIC: essay with the topic of identifying a piece of media(movie, song, speech, book) to a Scripture passage and explaining why this passage is used in this context.
Final Essay
Your final essay will be a 4-5 page paper.
Option One: Your first option is to write a paper using the same format as the first
paper this quarter, but this time you will use a verse or story from the New
Testament. Here are the guidelines for that paper:
1. Identify a specific piece of media that makes use of a Scripture
passage or quotation from the New Testament. This could be a
political speech, a scene from a movie, a song, a comic, a book,
social media, commercial, or something else. The media cannot be
specifically religious. For example, you could not use a sermon, as
the intended purpose of a sermon is to reflect on a passage from
Scripture for modern application. On the other hand, you could use
a political speech where the politician utilizes a passage of
Scripture within their speech. If you are unsure about if your
selected media piece will work, please contact me ahead of time
for approval. You must be able to link to the media for me to see
as a part of your assignment.
2. Explain in a few paragraphs (1 page or less) the context of the
media you chose. For example, if you chose a political speech,
explain what the purpose, timeframe, and context of the overall
speech was and how the Scripture reference fits into that context.
3. Identify where the Scripture quote is from in the Bible and read
the surrounding sections. You must read the full chapter in which
the Scripture quote occurs (So, if it is is Matthew 13:7, read all of
Matthew 13), but I would suggest reading 1-2 chapters before
and after the quote too, especially if you need more context. In 1-2
pages, explain what is happening in the passage where the
Scripture quote was taken from. Finally, talk about where this
passage fits in the Scriptural “metanarrative.”
4. For your final 1-2 pages, analyze how well you think the Scripture
quote was used in the media you selected. You should consider
three questions (and any other questions you find to be pertinent
for your study):
1. Was the quotation used in a way that is consistent with
the context of Scripture passage surrounding the
2. Was the quotation effective in furthering the
speaker/writer/singer’s point? Did they need to use a
Scripture quotation to make their point?
3. Why do you think they chose to use Scripture in this
media? What purpose did the person calling upon
Scripture play?
5. Finally, conclude by answering the following question: Do you
believe this person faithfully utilized Scripture in this media-form?
Why or why not?
You will be evaluated on how well you explain and understand how the Scripture
passage fits in the larger narrative of Christian Scripture and how thoroughly you
evaluate the passage’s use in the media.