Posted: February 19th, 2022
This assignment is broken into two components: 1. Presentation/Critique which will be shared with the class and 2. Paper. The Presentation/Critique will be worth 20% of the grade and the Paper will be worth 80%. The Paper will be well structured and conform to the outline provided below. The specifics for the two components of the assignment are provided below.
The Critique:
This part of the assignment will comprise 20% of the assignment grade. The student will provide a critique of the book for the class to read. (Most of this information will be pulled directly from your paper.) A discussion portal will be provided for each student to post a critique. Please use this format:
Assigned Book: (Attached as well, can only be opened in Adobe digital editions)
Leading Out Loud: A Guide for Engaging Others in Creating the Future
Pearce, Terry;Komisar, Randy John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated 2013
Critical Review Template
Author & Author’s Credential:________________________________
Body (Thesis Development) – Did the author achieve the stated purpose:
Possible question in the body (Do not include all of the questions in your paper, instead be deliberate and expound on your findings):
Is there an adequate, consistent development of the author’s thesis? Why or why not?
What is the author’s purpose? Does the author accomplish the purpose? If so, how? If not, why not?
Does the author approach the subject with any biases? Do they influence the conclusions?
Does the author adequately consider and refute opposing viewpoints?
Does the author have to resort to suppression of contrary evidence in order to make the thesis credible (slanting)? If so, what additional evidences would weaken the case?
Is the thesis sound but marred by a flawed procedure?
Is the author’s case proved, or would another thesis have been more appropriately chose?
Review: __________________________________________________
Would the reviewer recommend this book above to others? Why or why not?
Finally, a summary that includes: How does this book differ from other texts of the same subject matter? What is unique and valuable about this approach as opposed to the others? Would the reviewer recommend this text above others? Why or why not?
The Paper:
The paper will be 5-8 written pages in length. The paper will include a title page (per APA format), which will not count as a one of the five required pages. The paper should use the format below for headings and written in paragraph form. The paper should be free of grammatical and spelling errors and exhibit quality written scholarship commensurate with graduate standards. The paper will be worth 80% of the assignment grade.
Introduction, Review of Book, Conclusion, References (per APA format)
Author’s Credential (1-3 sentences)
Thesis (The Main Proposition Stated in the book; 1-3 sentences)
Body (Thesis Development) – Did the author achieve the stated purpose? Inspect each section of the text to see how the thesis is (or is not) developed. If the author makes supported and logical progress advancing the thesis – cite in review.
Is there an adequate, consistent development of the author’s thesis? Why or why not?
What is the author’s purpose? Does the author accomplish the purpose? If so, how? If not, why not?
Does the author approach the subject with any biases? Do they influence the conclusions?
Does the author adequately consider and refute opposing viewpoints?
Does the author have to resort to suppression of contrary evidence in order to make the thesis credible (slanting)? If so, what additional evidences would weaken the case?
Is the thesis sound but marred by a flawed procedure?
Is the author’s case proved, or would another thesis have been more appropriately chosen?
5. Finally, a summary (1-2 paragraphs) that includes: How does this book differ from other texts of the same subject matter? What is unique and valuable about this approach as opposed to the others? Would the reviewer recommend this text above others? Why or why not?
Assignment should be 5-8 pages.
All assignments must be typed and reflective of graduate work.
Please include:
* Assignment number and title.
* Student’s name.
* Course: MGT5650.E1
This assignment is divided into two parts: 1. a presentation/critique to be shared with the class, and 2. a paper. The Presentation/Critique will be worth 20% of the mark, while the Paper will be worth 80%. The paper will be well-structured and will follow the outline provided below. The specifics for the assignment’s two components are provided below.
The Criticism:
This portion of the assignment will account for 20% of the overall grade. The student will write a book critique for the class to read. (The majority of this information will come directly from your paper.) Each student will have access to a discussion forum where they can post a critique. Please follow this format:
Assigned Book: (Also attached, but can only be used once)