Posted: June 28th, 2022
Week 5
Imagine that you are the new principal of a new private elementary school that caters to gifted and talented children. Your task is to write a letter to the parents of the children, explaining the role psychological tests will play in their child’s education this year.
Write a draft of your letter, beginning Dear Parent, and include the following in your letter:
Explain why tests of school ability (as well as related abilities are or not) are necessary in a school setting.
The role tests will (and will not) play at the school.
Explain how any test that is going to be used will be selected (e.g., criteria).
Explain how parents will be informed of findings with respect to readiness, achievement, and ability.
Submission Details:
Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.
Use an APA style reference list with in-text citations in your initial response.
Use an APA style reference list with in-text citations in at least one of your two responses to classmates.
Discussing testing with parents is one of my favorite parts of providing assessments for children; or maybe it is not. There needs to be enough information in the report and it needs to be stated in a way that people who are not psychologists can understand. To get you started here is a format template and descriptions that you can follow (Some thoughts on the format for a psychological report, n.d.)
Your job this week to explain to parents why you would choose a certain assessment and utilize that instrument for testing of their children. Draft a letter as described above discussing the assessment you would use. Even though you are writing your response in the form of a letter, you must still use references and citations for the assignment.