Posted: June 22nd, 2022
Community Week 9
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Community Week 9
Care management entails the relevant activities that are used to improve patient care. These activities also aim at reducing the need for medical services through the increased assistance on caregivers as well as patients to facilitate the effective management of health conditions (Van Mierlo et al., 2014). On the other hand, case management is a process that incorporates the aspects of assessment, care coordination, planning, advocacy for options, and facilitation, among others, to meet the comprehensive health needs of a family or an individual. This process is facilitated by effective communication as well as the use of available resources, thereby promoting the quality of care in a cost-friendly way as well as patient safety. One of the differences between care and case management is that for the former, the client is bound to define the scope of work, while for the latter, the agency that establishes this scope of work (Curtis & Burns, 2015). Moreover, care management is a primarily private for-profit, whereas case management is publicly available from government programs and agencies. As for care management, the focus is holistic, which means that it adopts a client-centered approach. In contrast, case management focuses on the elimination of over-utilization as well as non-compliance through the consideration of issues that involve stakeholders.
The case management model provides a clinician, practicing community health nursing, with the basic concepts that facilitate direct counseling for the particular concerns of the client. One of these concepts is case finding that entails the systematic identification of the patients that are most likely to be admitted to a hospital as well as the prediction of other events (Hudon et al., 2016). The different concept is that of assessment that aims to determine the current level of ability of a patient. This concept also facilitates the easier identification of both the social and physical needs of a patient. Care planning is the other crucial concept of case management. In this case, the healthcare practitioner compiles the patient’s circumstances in conjunction with their social and physical needs, thereby creating a plan that would effectively match these needs with service provision. Care-coordination is the other concept that forms the backbone of case management. At this point, increased communication between the involved personnel is developed to allow the establishment of a reliable and credible case management approach. Using some of the principles such as justice, autonomy, non-maleficence, and beneficence, the nurse practitioner is in a position to offer quality care while maintaining patient safety.
A family is regarded as a unit that is formed by people who are bound by blood or other ancestral associations or those that have decided to live together for the rest of their lives. There are different types of families, including nuclear, extended, childless, reconstituted, and single-parent families. Each family has its unique and specific needs, especially when it comes to matters of health (Vincent, 2017). Several principles govern the model of care for families. One of these principles is the recognition and respect of other individual’s expertise and knowledge. Besides, acknowledging and respecting diversity is the different fundamental principle. Finally, power-sharing and decision-making is vital to this model.
At the community-based intervention, various strategies are crucial in moving from the intervention at the family level to that of the aggregate level. One of these strategies is the evaluation of the required activities that would facilitate the change as well as their relation to the expected short-term and long-term outcomes (Scott et al., 2018). The other strategy is the involvement of skilled and qualified personnel that would be in a position to adjust to a new environment and set of responsibilities.
Curtis, L. A., & Burns, A. (2015). Unit costs of health and social care 2015. Personal Social Services Research Unit.
Hudon, C., Chouinard, M. C., Lambert, M., Dufour, I., & Krieg, C. (2016). Effectiveness of case management interventions for frequent users of healthcare services: a scoping review. BMJ open, 6(9), e012353.
Scott, K., Beckham, S. W., Gross, M., Pariyo, G., Rao, K. D., Cometto, G., & Perry, H. B. (2018). What do we know about community-based health worker programs? A systematic review of existing reviews on community health workers. Human resources for health, 16(1), 39.
Van Mierlo, L. D., Meiland, F. J., Van Hout, H. P., & Dröes, R. M. (2014). Towards personalized integrated dementia care: a qualitative study into the implementation of different models of case management. BMC geriatrics, 14(1), 84.
Vincent, J. L. (2017). Evidence supports the superiority of closed ICUs for patients and families: Yes. Retrieved from: