Posted: January 28th, 2022
2 Presidency
Week 2: Political Strength to Strategies Assignment
Start Assignment
• Due Jan 12 by 11:59pm
• Points 150
• Submitting a file upload
The purpose of this assignment is to have the student complete a self-reflection on skills and traits the student already possesses as nurse and how these skills can be translated in political competency. This assignment supports professional formation, enhanced communication, and relevant skills associated with political competency for the DNP practice scholar.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO 4: Build political competency to enhance and support professional identity formation (PO 2).
CO 3: Demonstrate the DNP leadership role in the development and implementation of health policy to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes (PO 9).
Total points possible: 150
Preparing the Assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions. You may write this narrative paper in the first person using personal pronouns.
1. Complete the activity in the Week 2 Explore section:
Political Strengths-to-Strategy Plan
– Identify 3-4 practice and leadership strengths. How can you translate these skills to promote your political capital?
– Identify 3-4 examples where you excelled in relationship development and collaboration. How can you translate these skills to promote your political capital?
– Identify 3-4 examples where you excelled in communication. How can you translate these skills to promote your political capital?
– Identify 3-4 examples where you excelled in persistence and persuasion. How can you translate these skills to promote your political capital?
(I put that in an apart assignment, so this one will be a narrative paper based on the political strengths, that was previously identified.)
2. Write a narrative paper where you will need to identify strengths and skills you already possess as a nurse. Then, discuss how these skills can be translated into political capital. Using examples of what this political capital would look like is a great way to showcase how your current skills can be translated effectively. This paper is not the same as the one written in NR703 as the focus is not on leadership but rather on political competency.
3. The following areas must be addressed:
a. Introduction
b. Practice and Leadership Strengths
i. Identify 3 characteristics of where you excel in practice and leadership
ii. Provides 3 examples of translating current skills into political capital.
c. Relationship and Collaboration
i. Identify 3 characteristics of where you excel in relationship development and collaboration
ii. Provides 3 examples translating current skills into political capital
d. Effective Communication
i. Identify 3 characteristics of where you excel in communication
ii. Provides 3 examples of translating current skills into political capital.
e. Persuasion and Persistence
i. Identify 3 characteristics of where you excelled in persistence and persuasion
ii. Provides 3 examples of translating current skills into political capital.
4. Conclusion
a. Well-rounded and comprehensive conclusion
b. Summarizes the paper
c. Provides a call to action
5. Clarity of Writing
a. Use standard English grammar and sentence structure
b. There should be no spelling errors or typographical errors
c. Paper should be organized around the required components using appropriate headers.
d. Paper needs to offer flow and logical progression
6. APA/Formatting/References -All information taken from another source, even if summarized, must be appropriately cited in the manuscript and listed in the references using APA (current edition of the APA manual) format including:
a. Document setup
b. Title and reference pages
c. Proper in-text citations with a properly formatted reference list
Week 2: Assigning Political Strength to Strategies
Begin the assignment; it is due by 11:59 p.m. on January 12th.
• 150 points
• Adding a file to an upload
The goal of this assignment is for the student to reflect on the talents and attributes that he or she already has as a nurse and how these skills can be converted into political competency. For the DNP practice scholar, this assignment encourages professional development, improved communication, and necessary skills linked with political competency.
Course Objectives
The student can complete this assignment to achieve the following course objectives:
CO 4: Enhance and support professional identity building by developing political competencies (PO 2).
CO 3: Demonstrate the DNP’s leadership position in health policy creation and implementation to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes (PO 9).
Points total