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Posted: May 1st, 2022

2 Level 4
Module Title: Personal and Professional Development (PPD)

Assignment Brief
Course/Programme: BA (Hons) Business Studies with Foundation
Year 2 Level 4
Module Title: Personal and Professional Development (PPD)
Module Leader: David Mwaura/ Randolph Metz-Johnson
Assignment title: Individual Reflective Journal
Assignment number: 2
Weighting: 50% of overall module grade
Date given out: February 2022
Submission date: 16th May 2022
For late submission, please check CCCU Taught regulation (page 28 on late submission) and Extenuating Policy: CCCU Taught regulation
CCCU Extenuating Circumstances Policy
Method of submission: ? Online only Online and paper copy
Special instructions for submission (if any): Word or PDF Document.
Date for results and feedback
(please note the final grade is subject to the main CCCU assessment Board)
Learning outcomes assessed: LO1: Demonstrate a critical understanding of the concepts of reflective learning and personal development.
LO4: Develop your own approach to reflective learning and continuing professional development.
Assignment 2 brief:
Assessment Task Description
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a combination of approaches, ideas, and techniques that will help you manage your learning and growth (CIPD, 2020).
Prepare a personal reflective journal that discusses how this module, or attending the university in general, has contributed to your achievement of the employability and study skills which relate to:
• Communication skills: verbal and written
• Research skills
• The use of ICTs
• Teamwork and networking
• Time and self-management
• Problem-solving skills
You should consider applying a relevant model in your reflection process such as; Kolb’s Reflective Cycle or Gibbs Reflective Cycle, etc.
? Include evidence with examples to support the achievement of these skills
? Include a plan with objectives to hone these skills in the future
? You can write in first person for this task
Length required
2000 words max of supporting notes.
Format and Layout
Please note the following when completing your written assignment:
1. Writing: Written in English in an appropriate business/academic style
2. Focus: Focus only on the tasks set in the assignment.
3. Ensure a clear title, course, and name or ID number is on a cover sheet and work is appropriately referenced.
4. Research: Research should use reliable and relevant sources of information e.g. academic textbooks and journals that have been peer-reviewed. The research should be extensive.
5. All referencing should be in Harvard style.
Marking Criteria and Students Feedback
Common Assessment Criteria (applied to all parts of the project) Marks available Marks
1. Research-informed Literature: Extent of research and/or own reading, selection of credible sources, application of appropriate referencing conventions. 15
2. Knowledge and Understanding of Subject: Extent of knowledge and understanding of concepts and underlying principles associated with the discipline. 15
3. Analysis: Analysis, evaluation and synthesis; logic, argument and judgement; analytical reflection; organisation of ideas and evidence 30
4. Practical Application and Deployment: Deployment of methods, materials, tools and techniques; application of concepts; formulation of innovative and creative solutions to solve problems. 30
5. Skills for Professional Practice: Attributes in professional practice: individual and collaborative working; deployment of appropriate media; presentation and organisation. 10
100-80 Excellent 79-70 Very Good 69-60 Good 59-50 Sound 49-40 Satisfactory 39-20 Fail 19-0 Fail
Coherence and organisation of assignment PRESENTATION AND STYLE) Strong logical organisation and coherence enhances fulfilment of the assignment objectives. Demonstrates logical organisation and coherence. Demonstrates sound, thoughtful organisation. Demonstrates generally sound, conventional organisation. Shows limited organisation. Poorly presented and structured but partially understandable. Disorganised and/or incoherent.
Clarity of expression (incl. accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation (PRESENTATION AND STYLE) Fluent writing style appropriate to the assignment. Grammar and spelling accurate. Language fluent. Grammar and spelling mainly accurate. Language generally fluent. Grammar and spelling mainly accurate. Meaning clear, but language not always fluent. Grammar and/or spelling contain errors. Generally understandable, but language contains errors which detract from the argument. Meaning often unclear and/or frequent errors in grammar and/or spelling. Meaning unclear. Poor spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Communication and presentation (appropriate to discipline) (PRESENTATION AND STYLE) Effective communication which demonstrates a strong understanding of the discipline. Good communication in a format appropriate to the discipline. Communication is effective and, in a format, appropriate to the discipline. Communication is generally effective and shows awareness of the discipline’s academic style. Generally clear but limited evidence of discipline’s academic style. Communication is unstructured and unfocused and/or in a format inappropriate to the discipline. Communication is disorganised and/or incoherent and/or shows no understanding of the discipline.
Visual presentation
Presentation (visual) (PRESENTATION AND STYLE) Message is presented clearly and imaginatively with strong visual impact. Presentation is clear and has strong visual impact. Presentation is clear and has some visual impact. Presentation has a generally sound structure and visual tools are used effectively. Visual aspect and/or structure of presentation is adequate but limited. Presented in a disorganised manner. Lacks appropriate support from visual tools. Presentation is disorganised and/or incoherent and/or medium is non-visual.
Oral presentation
Presentation (oral) (PRESENTATION AND STYLE) Presentation is well structured, engaging, and confident. Audibility and pace are excellent. Presentation is well-structured and engages the audience. Pace and audibility are very good. Presentation is well structured and attempts to engage the audience. Pace and audibility are effective. Presentation has a generally sound structure. Pace and audibility are satisfactory most of the time. Pace, audibility and/or structure of presentation are adequate but limited. Delivery is disorganised and/or pace and audibility are poor. Presentation is not understandable and/or inaudible and/or not an oral presentation.
Attention to purpose (CONFORMING TO INSTRUCTIONS) Addresses the full purpose of the assignment with some creativity. Addresses the full purpose of the assignment. Addresses the main purpose of the assignment effectively. Generally, addresses the main purpose of the assignment. Some of the work is focused on the aims and themes of the assignment. Mostly fails to address the task set. Fails to address the task set.
Referencing (CONFORMING TO INSTRUCTIONS) Sources used are acknowledged in the text and reference list and used effectively to support discussion. Referencing follows a systematic approach, appropriate to the discipline. All elements of individual references are present. Sources used are acknowledged in the text and reference list and used to support discussion. Referencing follows a systematic approach, appropriate to the discipline. All elements of individual references are present. Sources used are acknowledged in the text and reference list. Referencing follows a systematic approach, appropriate to the discipline. Entries in the bibliography/reference list are accurate/ appropriate. Attempts to follow systematic approach to the citation of sources, appropriate to the discipline. Entries in the bibliography/reference list are generally accurate/ appropriate. Some attempt to cite sources in the text but contains inaccuracies, inconsistencies and/or omissions. Integration between text and reference list is inconsistent. Entries in the bibliography/reference list contain some errors. Citations of sources in the text are inconsistent, inaccurate and/or incomplete. Entries in the bibliography/reference list are incomplete and/or absent. Little or no acknowledgement of sources of information in text and/or reference list.
Clarity of objectives and focus of work (CONFORMING TO INSTRUCTIONS) Defines appropriate objectives in detail and addresses them comprehensively. Defines appropriate objectives and addresses them coherently throughout the work. Outlines appropriate objectives and addresses them in a manner which gives a clear focus to the work. Outlines some appropriate objectives and addresses them in a manner which gives a general focus to the work. Uses generalised objectives to provide adequate but limited focus to the work. Objectives are not appropriate and/or clearly identified. No objectives are identified and lacks focus.
Address Question
Addressing the question(s) (CONFORMING TO INSTRUCTIONS) Addresses the purpose of the question(s) in depth and with some creativity. Addresses the purpose of the question(s) clearly and comprehensively. Addresses the purpose of the question(s) clearly. Makes a sound attempt at addressing the question(s). Makes an adequate attempt at addressing the question(s), but with some digression. Some knowledge displayed but not clearly linked to the question(s). Does not address the question(s).
Content and range of knowledge displayed (CONTENT AND KNOWLEDGE) Demonstrates a detailed, systematic, in-depth, theoretically informed knowledge base, with some appreciation of the provisional nature of knowledge. Demonstrates a detailed, systematic knowledge base, both theoretical and/or substantive. Demonstrates a good factual and/or conceptual knowledge base and uses appropriate terminology. Demonstrates a sound factual and/or conceptual knowledge base and uses appropriate terminology. Evidence of some knowledge of topic and use of appropriate terminology. May contain some errors and/omissions. Significant gaps in knowledge and/or misuse of terminology. Little or no relevant knowledge included.
Use of Literature
Use of literature / evidence of reading (CONTENT AND KNOWLEDGE) Evidence of broad and/or in-depth independent reading from appropriate sources. Clear, accurate, systematic application of material, with effective critical appraisal. Evidence of independent reading from a fairly wide range of appropriate sources. Clear, accurate, systematic application of material. Shows developing ability to appraise material critically. Evidence of independent reading from a range of appropriate sources. Literature well applied and shows some critical insight. Evidence of some independent reading from appropriate sources. Sound application of literature. Evidence of reading from appropriate sources. Literature is presented in a descriptive way. Very limited evidence of reading and/or inappropriate sources used and/or engagement with the literature very superficial Little or no relevant engagement with the literature.
Quality of sources used (CONTENT AND KNOWLEDGE) Significant use made of primary sources in conjunction with high quality secondary sources. Uses a balanced combination of primary and higher quality secondary sources. Mostly uses higher quality secondary sources, with some use of primary sources. Mostly uses appropriate secondary sources, with some limited use of primary sources. Uses appropriate secondary sources. Makes some use of appropriate sources, but also draws upon unreliable and/or inappropriate sources. Uses unreliable and/or inappropriate sources.
Knowledge and application of theory (CONTENT AND KNOWLEDGE) Demonstrates a detailed, accurate, systematic theoretical understanding. Appropriately selected theoretical knowledge integrated into the overall assignment task. Shows a systematic and accurate understanding of key theories, which are consistently and appropriately applied within the context of the assignment task. Shows an accurate understanding of key theories, which are appropriately applied within the context of the assignment task. Sound descriptive knowledge of key theories with some appropriate application. Selection of theory is satisfactory but application and/or understanding limited. Knowledge of theory inaccurate and/or incomplete. Choice of theory inappropriate. Application and/or understanding very limited. Absence of relevant theoretical content and/or use of theory.
Conclusions (THINKING/ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION) Conclusions are well developed, analytical, use appropriate forms of conceptualisation, and show some originality. They are thoroughly grounded in theory / evidence / literature. They form an integrated part of the overall argument / discussion. Conclusions show critical insight and development of thinking. They relate clearly and logically to evidence / theory / literature. Logical conclusions are drawn which show some critical insight and are clearly derived from evidence / theory / literature. Generally sound conclusions are drawn which are supported by evidence / theory / literature. Some relevant conclusions are drawn which are derived from limited understanding of evidence / theory / literature. Limited or ineffective attempt to draw together arguments. Lack of conclusions, or unsubstantiated / invalid conclusions drawn.
Analysis (THINKING/ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION) Makes excellent use of a range of relevant analytic techniques and is able to apply these to new and/or abstract information and situations. Shows well developed ability to compare alternative theories / analytic approaches (where relevant). Makes very good use of established techniques of analysis relevant to the discipline. Shows developing ability to compare alternative theories / analytic approaches (where relevant). Makes effective use of established techniques of analysis relevant to the discipline. Shows some awareness of alternative theories / analytic approaches (where relevant). Makes fair / conventional use of established techniques of analysis, relevant to the discipline. Makes satisfactory but limited use of established techniques of analysis, relevant to the discipline. Attempts at analysis ineffective and/or uninformed by the discipline. Lacks any analysis.
Critical reasoning (THINKING/ANALYSIS/CONCLUSION) Well developed, theoretically / conceptually informed critical thinking is consistently integrated into the work. Shows ability to evaluate theories / concepts / assumptions / data. Demonstrates considerable critical insight and ability to contrast alternative positions through the use of theory. Demonstrates critical insight and some ability to contrast alternative positions through the use of theory. Demonstrates some conventional critical insight and recognises alternative positions. Demonstrates limited critical insight. Some recognition of alternative positions. Critical thought / analysis very limited and / or incoherent. No evidence of critical thought.
Select Methods
Selecting research methods (Relationship between method chosen and the nature of the inquiry) (METHODOLGY/IES) The process and rationale for selection of one from several methodologies is effectively explored to collect information from self-determined sources. Methodology selected is effective and appropriate to the aims and objectives of the task and a good rationale for its selection is provided. Methodology chosen is appropriate to the task and attention given to the selection of a methodology from the range of prescribed ones. Methodology used is appropriate to the task and brief rationale offered makes reference to established guidance. Choice of methodology is generally appropriate to the task with a limited rationale offered. Choice of methodology and relationship to information / data being collected is confused and unhelpful. Issue of methodology not addressed and/or inappropriate methodology used and/ or little planning used to complete the task.
Apply Methods
Evaluation of process and the quality of information / data developed (METHODOLGY/IES) Information / data is organised using appropriate structures and processes to construct emergent knowledge/ ideas which address existing questions. Information / data is organised using structures and processes provided to reorganise existing knowledge in standard formats to answer given question(s). Information / data is organised using structures and processes provided to answer given question(s). Information / data is collected and analysed to form valid conclusion(s). Some attempt is made to collect and analyse information/data to form valid conclusion(s). Incomplete attempt to formulate conclusion(s) based on the information gathered. Information / data is poorly organised and is not analysed to develop conclusion(s) or generate valid ideas.
Evaluation Methods
Evaluation of process and the quality of information / data developed (METHODOLGY/IES) Evaluates information / data and the inquiry process comprehensively using appropriate criteria some of which are self-determined. Effectively evaluates information / data and the inquiry process, including critique of the techniques used. Effectively evaluates information / data and the inquiry process using prescribed guidelines. Shows sound, basic evaluation of the inquiry methodology and information / data generated. Shows limited evaluation of the inquiry methodology and information / data generated. Evaluation of process and the information / data is incomplete. Limited or no attempt to evaluate either process or outcomes.
Professional Values
Work within a framework of professional values / code of conduct (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Develops specific objectives which are achievable, consistent with professional values / code of conduct and appropriate to the clientele. Develops objectives which are consistent with professional values / code of conduct and appropriate to the clientele. Develops objectives which are consistent with professional values / code of conduct and generally appropriate to the clientele. Uses objectives which are consistent with professional values / code of conduct but are set by the clientele. Limited consideration of appropriateness and practicability. Objectives used show an awareness of the needs of clients and professional values / code of conduct, but these are sometimes inconsistently reconciled. Inadequate attempt to ascertain needs of clientele and develop a workable brief. Limited use of professional values / code of conduct frameworks. No attempt to ascertain needs of clientele and develop a workable brief. Fails to work within the prescribed professional values / code of conduct framework.
Gather Information
Information gathering / processing (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Selects highly relevant information. Demonstrates understanding of the complexity of the information and processes it effectively. Selects appropriate information and processes it effectively. Selects mostly appropriate information and processes it adequately. Selects some appropriate information and processes it adequately. Selects some appropriate information but processed it with limited success. Random information gathering. Inappropriate use of processing tools. Fails to collect appropriate data in any systematic way.
Creative Process
Creative process (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Creative work shows highly developed technique in the service of a lively creative imagination. Processes involved are handled with assurance to achieve innovative results. Personal style consistently marked in work which builds on models with originality, flair and style. Creative work shows well-developed imagination and technique. Processes involved are manipulated to achieve creative results. Personal style makes its mark on models and moulds influences with originality and style. Creative works shows interesting imagination and technique. Processes involved have creative application and outcomes. Personal style makes its mark at times in work which shows some original application and adaptation of models. Creative work shows a basic level of imagination and technique. Processes involved have little creative consequence. Personal style is lacking in favour of work which is derivative in origin. Creative work shows a basic level of imagination and technique. Processes involved are not evident and personal style is lacking. Undeveloped ideas and/or work with little creativity or technique. Minimal personal style or skill; little insight gained into effective working processes. No evidence of progression. Skills and techniques remain undeveloped. No evidence of creativity or innovation.
Performance (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Highly focused, convincing performance demonstrating communication, commitment, and thorough understanding of style with careful attention to detail, displaying consistently high level of technical ability and interpretive skills. Improvised passages are creative, stylistically assured and considered. Performance well prepared, assured and thoroughly persuasive. Stage craft presentation of a very high standard. Focussed performance demonstrating communication, commitment and a thorough understanding of the style with careful attention to detail, displaying consistently high level of technical ability. Improvisation is stylistically correct and considered. Performance well-prepared / rehearsed, assured, and focussed. Stage craft presentation of a high standard. Performance demonstrates communication, commitment and understanding of the genre with reasonable attention to detail, displaying a good level of technical ability. Improvised passages show a sound understanding of style. Well-rehearsed. Stage craft presentation of a good standard. Performance that reasonably demonstrates communication, commitment and understanding of the genre but with limited attention to detail and technical ability. Improvised passages show some understanding of style. Limited confidence and attention given to presentation. Performance that mostly demonstrates communication, commitment and understanding of the genre but with little attention to detail and displaying a low level of technical ability. Improvised passages show little understanding of style. Lacks confidence and little attention given to presentation. Performance in which communication and commitment are lacking and little consideration paid to style. Technical ability weak. Improvised passages show poor understanding and appropriateness. Performance is unconvincing, displaying little evidence of preparation. Stage conduct barely addressed, inappropriate, and /or unacceptable. Performance in which fluency and focus is prevented by lack of technical control. No evidence of understanding of style or conventions of performance within it. Under-rehearsed and lacks confidence which detracts. Presentation has not been addressed.
Form and content in a practical context (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Demonstrates an ability to critically engage with theory and practice. Synthesises creative strategies and interrelated forms and styles. Experiments with conventional forms. Work shows clear evidence of intellectual rigour and/or creativity. Technically and professionally competent. Evidence of critically relating theory to practice. Demonstrates well developed ability to analyse, synthesise and experiment with relationships between form and content. Good evidence of some creativity. Technically and professionally competent in most respects. Beginning to evidence some awareness of the relationship between theory and practice. Work tends to be conventional but show good ability to relate form and content. Some aspects of creativity present. Structure and content are relevant and approaching technical and professional competence throughout. Evidence of an appropriate relationship between form and content. Limited presence of creativity. Moderate degree of technical and professional competence. Some evidence of understanding the relationship between form and content. Limited degree of technical and professional competence and creativity. Little or no evidence of an understanding of the relationship between form and content. Lacks creativity and is technically poor. Neglects to address the brief in any acceptable way.
Reflection (including self-criticism / awareness) (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Confidently reflects on own strengths and weaknesses and the criteria by which such judgements are made. Prepared to interrogate received opinion, prejudices and value sets operating. Able to evaluate own strengths and weaknesses and shows developing understanding of criteria for judgements. Prepared to question received opinion, prejudices and value sets operating. Demonstrates a degree of autonomy and independence in evaluating / monitoring own contribution. Is largely dependent on criteria set by others. Recognises own strengths and weaknesses. Dependent on criteria set by others. Begins to recognise own strengths and weaknesses. Limited self-awareness leading to poor judgement. Distorted self-criticism leading to inaccurate view of the situation.
Reflective Practice
Reflective practice (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Analyses personal contribution and that of others to practice through reflection and develops ideas of possibility and consequence through diversifying experience. Evaluates personal contribution and that of others to practice and develops plans of action. Able to evaluate own practice and that of others using a number of frames of reference. Considers alternative future actions. Interpretation of practice draws on a number of frames of reference which inform decisions about further action. Able to interpret own practice and that of others using prescribed frameworks. Identifies some further actions. Limited interpretation of own practice and that of others restricting further action. Incomplete interpretation of practice leading to insufficient action.
Independence / autonomy (including planning and managing learning) (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Identifies learning needs by actively seeking out feedback from a range of sources and makes effective use of available resources. Identifies learning needs and follows activities to improve performance. Is autonomous in straightforward learning tasks. Shows a degree of autonomy and independence in planning learning and identifying appropriate learning resources. Largely works independently. Accesses and uses a range of learning resources and support. Undertakes clearly directed work independently. Uses the standard learning resources. Demonstrates limited ability to work independently, needing significant guidance on methods and resources. Unable to work independently, needing significant guidance on methods and resources.
Self presentation / interpersonal skills (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Adopts an effective style of self-presentation, employing a range of interpersonal skills consistent with the individual’s aims and appropriate to the setting(s). Demonstrates flexibility in the style of presentation and interpersonal skills adopted which are appropriate to the setting(s). Can adopt both a formal and informal style and uses basic interpersonal skills appropriately. Adopts both a formal and informal style and uses basic interpersonal skills but not always matching the needs of the situation. Shows awareness of different styles of self-presentation and is willing to use them in different situations. Limited self-awareness and /or interpersonal skills. No obvious self-awareness and/or interpersonal skills.
Time Management
Time management / self-management (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Meets deadlines. Plans well ahead. Sets self-determined targets and contingency plans allowing sufficient time to receive and act on guidance. Meets deadlines. Plans and monitors progress to allow sufficient time for development of the work. Makes plans and implements them in a satisfactory manner to meet deadlines. Meets important deadlines. Exhibits some limited evidence of planning. Deadlines are acknowledged and time allocated is appropriate but not always adhered to. Little evidence of attention to deadlines and time management. Rarely meets deadlines. Appears unable to make and implement plans.
Group Skills
Interactive and group skills (including teamwork, negotiation, understanding group dynamics and empathy) (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Effectively uses a range of networking skills within a learning or professional group. Addresses conflict. Seeks to promote relationships which serve the group needs. Interacts effectively within a learning group, giving and receiving information and ideas and modifying responses where appropriate. Meets obligations to others (tutors and/or peers) providing contributions to support shared objectives. Recognises and assesses alternative options. Shows awareness of the need for adopting a range of responses to interact effectively. Contributes effectively to group aims. Uses basic interactive skills appropriately to contribute to the group aims. Avoids working with others or does not contribute effectively to the group. Does not contribute or disrupts the group.
Peer Review
Critical review (to be used in peer assessment) (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Assesses / evaluates the work of others using a range of criteria. Provides rationale for judgements and offers specific insights into how work could be developed. Assesses / studies the work of others and judges against existing criteria, indicating possibilities for improvement. Examines work of others and identifies its strengths and weaknesses using existing criteria. Comments in general terms on the work of others. Comments on the work of others using prescribed formats. Demonstrates limited ability to make reasoned comment on the work of others. Appears unable to make reasoned comment on the work of others.
Initiative (taking action, independence) (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Uses imagination in assessing the needs of a situation and develops an underlying series of actions to achieve goals. If in a group setting, takes account of the needs and views of others. Effectively assesses the needs of a situation and takes independent action necessary to achieve goals. If in a group setting, recognises the needs and views of others. Assesses the needs of a situation and takes action towards achieving goals. If in a group setting, shows some awareness of the needs and views of others. Where goals and methods are defined, will undertake tasks requiring some independence. If in a group setting, shows limited awareness of the needs and views of others. Will act independently when selecting alternative strategies from those provided. If in a group setting, shows limited awareness of the needs and views of others. Demonstrates limited ability to undertake tasks beyond those prescribed. If in a group setting, fails to take account of the needs and views of others. Appears unable to undertake tasks beyond those prescribed. If in a group setting, fails to take account of the needs and views of others.
Decision Making
Decision making (PRACTICAL/INTERPERSONAL SKILLS) Uses a range of appropriate information to evaluate options and applies clear criteria to demonstrate reasons for final decision / choice / outcome. Uses appropriate information to evaluate options. Selection of final outcome clearly derived from evaluation. Uses available information to evaluate possible options. Final decision is clear and linked to the evaluation. Recognises benefits and disadvantages of some possible options but provides limited clarity on rationale for final decision. When decisions are made, a limited, but tenable, rationale for decisions is provided. Rationale behind the final outcome or choice is unclear or untenable. Final outcome or choice is unclear or absent.

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